Accepted papers - WS2
WS2: Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF)
Sina Zarrieß
Developing German Semantics on the basis of Parallel LFG Grammars
Manny Rayner, Paula Estrella, Pierrette Bouillon, Beth Ann Hockey and Yukie Nakao
Using Artificially Generated Data to Evaluate Statistical Machine Translation
Ascander Dost and Tracy Holloway King
Using Large-scale Parser Output to Guide Grammar Development
Berthold Crysmann
Autosegmental representations in an HPSG for Hausa
Olga Gurevich and Scott Waterman
Mining of Parsed Data to Derive Deverbal Argument Structure
Eva Banik
Parenthetical Constructions - an Argument against Modularity
Daniël de Kok, Jianqiang Ma and Gertjan van Noord
A generalized method for iterative error mining in parsing results
Yudong Liu and Anoop Sarkar
Exploration of the LTAG-Spinal Formalism and Treebank for Semantic Role Labeling
Bart Cramer and Yi Zhang
Construction of a German HPSG grammar from a detailed treebank