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Name-aware Machine Translation

Haibo Li, Jing Zheng, Heng Ji, Qi Li and Wen Wang

The 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2013)
Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9, 2013


We propose a Name-aware Machine Translation (MT) approach which can tightly integrate name processing into MT model, by jointly annotating parallel corpora, extracting name-aware translation grammar and rules, adding name phrase table and name translation driven decoding. Additionally, we also propose a new MT metric to appropriately evaluate the translation quality of informative words, by assigning different weights to different words according to their importance values in a document. Experiments on Chinese-English translation demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach on enhancing the quality of overall translation, name translation and word alignment over a high-quality MT baseline.

START Conference Manager (V2.61.0 - Rev. 2792M)