An Empirical Study on the Effect of Negation Words on Sentiment

Xiaodan Zhu, Hongyu Guo, Saif Mohammad and Svetlana Kiritchenko
National Research Council Canada
1200 Montreal Road
Ottawa, K1A 0R6, ON, Canada

Negation words, such as no and not, play a fundamental role in modifying sentiment of textual expressions. We will refer to a negation word as the negator and the text span within the scope of the negator as the argument. Commonly used heuristics to estimate the sentiment of negated expressions rely simply on the sentiment of argument (and not on the negator or the argument itself). We use a sentiment treebank to show that these existing heuristics are poor estimators of sentiment. We then modify these heuristics to be dependent on the negators and show that this improves prediction. Next, we evaluate a recently proposed composition model [] that relies on both the negator and the argument. This model learns the syntax and semantics of the negator’s argument with a recursive neural network. We show that this approach performs better than those mentioned above. In addition, we explicitly incorporate the prior sentiment of the argument and observe that this information can help reduce fitting errors.

1 Introduction

define negation to be “a grammatical category that allows the changing of the truth value of a proposition”. Negation is often expressed through the use of negative signals or negators–words like isn’t and never, and it can significantly affect the sentiment of its scope. Understanding the impact of negation on sentiment is essential in automatic analysis of sentiment. The literature contains interesting research attempting to model and understand the behavior (reviewed in Section 2). For example, a simple yet influential hypothesis posits that a negator reverses the sign of the sentiment value of the modified text []. The shifting hypothesis [], however, assumes that negators change sentiment values by a constant amount. In this paper, we refer to a negation word as the negator (e.g., isn’t), a text span being modified by and composed with a negator as the argument (e.g., very good), and entire phrase (e.g., isn’t very good) as the negated phrase.

Figure 1: Effect of a list of common negators in modifying sentiment values in Stanford Sentiment Treebank. The x-axis is s(w), and y-axis is s(wn,w). Each dot in the figure corresponds to a text span being modified by (composed with) a negator in the treebank. The red diagonal line corresponds to the sentiment-reversing hypothesis that simply reverses the sign of sentiment values.

The recently available Stanford Sentiment Treebank [] renders manually annotated, real-valued sentiment scores for all phrases in parse trees. This corpus provides us with the data to further understand the quantitative behavior of negators, as the effect of negators can now be studied with arguments of rich syntactic and semantic variety. Figure 1 illustrates the effect of a common list of negators on sentiment as observed on the Stanford Sentiment Treebank.11The sentiment values have been linearly rescaled from the original range [0, 1] to [-0.5, 0.5]; in the figure a negative or positive value corresponds to a negative or a positive sentiment respectively; zero means neutral. The negator list will be discussed later in the paper. Each dot in the figure corresponds to a negated phrase in the treebank. The x-axis is the sentiment score of its argument s(w) and y-axis the sentiment score of the entire negated phrase s(wn,w).

We can see that the reversing assumption (the red diagonal line) does capture some regularity of human perception, but rather roughly. Moreover, the figure shows that same or similar s(w) scores (x-axis) can correspond to very different s(wn,w) scores (y-axis), which, to some degree, suggests the potentially complicated behavior of negators.22Similar distribution is observed in other data such as Tweets [].

This paper describes a quantitative study of the effect of a list of frequent negators on sentiment. We regard the negators’ behavior as an underlying function embedded in annotated data; we aim to model this function from different aspects. By examining sentiment compositions of negators and arguments, we model the quantitative behavior of negators in changing sentiment. That is, given a negated phrase (e.g., isn’t very good) and the sentiment score of its argument (e.g., s(``verygood′′)=0.5), we focus on understanding the negator’s quantitative behavior in yielding the sentiment score of the negated phrase s(``isntverygood′′).

We first evaluate the modeling capabilities of two influential heuristics and show that they capture only very limited regularity of negators’ effect. We then extend the models to be dependent on the negators and demonstrate that such a simple extension can significantly improve the performance of fitting to the human annotated data. Next, we evaluate a recently proposed composition model (Socher, 2013) that relies on both the negator and the argument. This model learns the syntax and semantics of the negator’s argument with a recursive neural network. This approach performs significantly better than those mentioned above. In addition, we explicitly incorporate the prior sentiment of the argument and observe that this information helps reduce fitting errors.

2 Related work

Automatic sentiment analysis The expression of sentiment is an integral component of human language. In written text, sentiment is conveyed with word senses and their composition, and in speech also via prosody such as pitch []. Early work on automatic sentiment analysis includes the widely cited work of [], among others. Since then, there has been an explosion of research addressing various aspects of the problem, including detecting subjectivity, rating and classifying sentiment, labeling sentiment-related semantic roles (e.g., target of sentiment), and visualizing sentiment (see surveys by and ).

Negation modeling Negation is a general grammatical category pertaining to the changing of the truth values of propositions; negation modeling is not limited to sentiment. For example, paraphrase and contradiction detection systems rely on detecting negated expressions and opposites []. In general, a negated expression and the opposite of the expression may or may not convey the same meaning. For example, not alive has the same meaning as dead, however, not tall does not always mean short. Some automatic methods to detect opposites were proposed by and .

Negation modeling for sentiment An early yet influential reversing assumption conjectures that a negator reverses the sign of the sentiment value of the modified text [], e.g., from +0.5 to -0.5, or vice versa. A different hypothesis, called the shifting hypothesis in this paper, assumes that negators change the sentiment values by a constant amount []. Other approaches to negation modeling have been discussed in [].

In the process of semantic composition, the effect of negators could depend on the syntax and semantics of the text spans they modify. The approaches of modeling this include bag-of-word-based models. For example, in the work of [], a feature not_good will be created if the word good is encountered within a predefined range after a negator.

There exist different ways of incorporating more complicated syntactic and semantic information. Much recent work considers sentiment analysis from a semantic-composition perspective [], which achieved the state-of-the-art performance. used a collection of hand-written compositional rules to assign sentiment values to different granularities of text spans. proposed a learning-based framework. The more recent work of [] proposed models based on recursive neural networks that do not rely on any heuristic rules. Such models work in a bottom-up fashion over the parse tree of a sentence to infer the sentiment label of the sentence as a composition of the sentiment expressed by its constituting parts. The approach leverages a principled method, the forward and backward propagation, to learn a vector representation to optimize the system performance. In principle neural network is able to fit very complicated functions [], and in this paper, we adapt the state-of-the-art approach described in [] to help understand the behavior of negators specifically.

3 Negation models based on heuristics

We begin with previously proposed methods that leverage heuristics to model the behavior of negators. We then propose to extend them to consider lexical information of the negators themselves.

3.1 Non-lexicalized assumptions and modeling

In previous research, some influential, widely adopted assumptions posit the effect of negators to be independent of both the specific negators and the semantics and syntax of the arguments. In this paper, we call a model based on such assumptions a non-lexicalized model. In general, we can simply define this category of models in Equation 1. That is, the model parameters are only based on the sentiment value of the arguments.

s(wn,w)=deff(s(w)) (1)

3.1.1 Reversing hypothesis

A typical model falling into this category is the reversing hypothesis discussed in Section 2, where a negator simply reverses the sentiment score s(w) to be -s(w); i.e., f(s(w))=-s(w).

3.1.2 Shifting hypothesis

Basic shifting Similarly, a shifting based model depends on s(w) only, which can be written as:

f(s(w))=s(w)-sign(s(w))*C (2)

where sign(.) is the standard sign function which determines if the constant C should be added to or deducted from s(wn): the constant is added to a negative s(w) but deducted from a positive one.

Polarity-based shifting As will be shown in our experiments, negators can have different shifting power when modifying a positive or a negative phrase. Thus, we explore the use of two different constants for these two situations, i.e., f(s(w))=s(w)-sign(s(w))*C(sign(s(w))). The constant C now can take one of two possible values. We will show that this simple modification improves the fitting performance statistically significantly. Note also that instead of determining these constants by human intuition, we use the training data to find the constants in all shifting-based models as well as for the parameters in other models.

3.2 Simple lexicalized assumptions

The above negation hypotheses rely on s(w). As intuitively shown in Figure 1, the capability of the non-lexicalized heuristics might be limited. Further semantic or syntactic information from either the negators or the phrases they modify could be helpful. The most straightforward way of expanding the non-lexicalized heuristics is probably to make the models to be dependent on the negators.

s(wn,w)=deff(wn,s(w)) (3)

Negator-based shifting We can simply extend the basic shifting model above to consider the lexical information of negators: f(s(w))=s(w)-sign(s(w))*C(wn). That is, each negator has its own C. We call this model negator-based shifting. We will show that this model also statistically significantly outperforms the basic shifting without overfitting, although the number of parameters have increased.

Combined shifting We further combine the negator-based shifting and polarity-based shifting above: f(s(w))=s(w)-sign(s(w))*C(wn,sign(s(w))). This shifting model is based on negators and the polarity of the text they modify: constants can be different for each negator-polarity pair. The number of parameters in this model is the multiplication of number of negators by two (the number of sentiment polarities). This model further improves the fitting performance on the test data.

4 Semantics-enriched modeling

Negators can interact with arguments in complex ways. Figure 1 shows the distribution of the effect of negators on sentiment without considering further semantics of the arguments. The question then is that whether and how much incorporating further syntax and semantic information can help better fit or predict the negation effect. Above, we have considered the semantics of the negators. Below, we further make the models to be dependent on the arguments. This can be written as:

s(wn,w)=deff(wn,s(w),r(w)) (4)

In the formula, r(w) is a certain type of representation for the argument w and it models the semantics or/and syntax of the argument. There exist different ways of implementing r(w). We consider two models in this study: one drops s(w) in Equation 4 and directly models f(wn,r(w)). That is, the non-uniform information shown in Figure 1 is not directly modeled. The other takes into account s(w) too.

For the former, we adopt the recursive neural tensor network (RNTN) proposed recently by , which has showed to achieve the state-of-the-art performance in sentiment analysis. For the latter, we propose a prior sentiment-enriched tensor network (PSTN) to take into account the prior sentiment of the argument s(w).

4.1 RNTN: Recursive neural tensor network

A recursive neural tensor network (RNTN) is a specific form of feed-forward neural network based on syntactic (phrasal-structure) parse tree to conduct compositional sentiment analysis. For completeness, we briefly review it here. More details can be found in [].

As shown in the black portion of Figure 2, each instance of RNTN corresponds to a binary parse tree of a given sentence. Each node of the parse tree is a fixed-length vector that encodes compositional semantics and syntax, which can be used to predict the sentiment of this node. The vector of a node, say p2 in Figure 2, is computed from the d-dimensional vectors of its two children, namely a and p1 (a,p1d×1), with a non-linear function:

p2 =tanh([ap1]TV[1:d][ap1]+W[ap1]) (5)

where, Wd×(d+d) and V(d+d)×(d+d)×d are the matrix and tensor for the composition function. A major difference of RNTN from the conventional recursive neural network (RRN) [] is the use of the tensor V in order to directly capture the multiplicative interaction of two input vectors, although the matrix W implicitly captures the nonlinear interaction between the input vectors. The training of RNTN uses conventional forward-backward propagation.

4.2 PSTN: Prior sentiment-enriched tensor network

The non-uniform distribution in Figure 1 has showed certain correlations between the sentiment values of s(wn,w) and s(w), and such information has been leveraged in the models discussed in Section 3. We intend to devise a model that implements Equation 4. It bridges between the models we have discussed above that use either s(w) or r(w).

Figure 2: Prior sentiment-enriched tensor network (PSTN) model for sentiment analysis.

We extend RNTN to directly consider the sentiment information of arguments. Consider the node p2 in Figure 2. When calculating its vector, we aim to directly engage the sentiment information of its right child, i.e., the argument. To this end, we make use of the sentiment class information of p1, noted as p1sen. As a result, the vector of p2 is calculated as follows:

p2 =tanh([ap1]TV[1:d][ap1]+W[ap1] (6)

As shown in Equation 6, for the node vector p1d×1, we employ a matrix, namely Wsend×(d+m) and a tensor, Vsen(d+m)×(d+m)×d, aiming at explicitly capturing the interplays between the sentiment class of p1, denoted as p1sen(m×1), and the negator a. Here, we assume the sentiment task has m classes. Following the idea of , we regard the sentiment of p1 as a prior sentiment as it has not been affected by the specific context (negators), so we denote our method as prior sentiment-enriched tensor network (PSTN). In Figure 2, the red portion shows the added components of PSTN.

Note that depending on different purposes, p1sen can take the value of the automatically predicted sentiment distribution obtained in forward propagation, the gold sentiment annotation of node p1, or even other normalized prior sentiment value or confidence score from external sources (e.g., sentiment lexicons or external training data). This is actually an interesting place to extend the current recursive neural network to consider extrinsic knowledge. However, in our current study, we focus on exploring the behavior of negators. As we have discussed above, we will use the human annotated sentiment for the arguments, same as in the models discussed in Section 3.

With the new matrix and tensor, we then have θ=(V,Vsen,W,Wsen,Wlabel,L) as the PSTN model’s parameters. Here, L denotes the vector representations of the word dictionary.

4.2.1 Inference and Learning

Inference and learning in PSTN follow a forward-backward propagation process similar to that in [], and for completeness, we depict the details as follows. To train the model, one first needs to calculate the predicted sentiment distribution for each node:

pisen=Wlabelpi,  pisenm×1

and then compute the posterior probability over the m labels:


During learning, following the method used by the RNTN model in  [], PSTN also aims to minimize the cross-entropy error between the predicted distribution yim×1 at node i and the target distribution tim×1 at that node. That is, the error for a sentence is calculated as:

E(θ)=ijtjilogyji+λθ2 (7)

where, λ represents the regularization hyperparameters, and jm denotes the j-th element of the multinomial target distribution.

To minimize E(θ), the gradient of the objective function with respect to each of the parameters in θ is calculated efficiently via backpropagation through structure, as proposed by . Specifically, we first compute the prediction errors in all tree nodes bottom-up. After this forward process, we then calculate the derivatives of the softmax classifiers at each node in the tree in a top-down fashion. We will discuss the gradient computation for the Vsen and Wsen in detail next. Note that the gradient calculations for the V,W,Wlabel,L are the same as that of presented in [].

In the backpropogation process of the training, each node (except the root node) in the tree carries two kinds of errors: the local softmax error and the error passing down from its parent node. During the derivative computation, the two errors will be summed up as the complement incoming error for the node. We denote the complete incoming error and the softmax error vector for node i as δi,comd×1 and δi,sd×1, respectively. With this notation, the error for the root node p2 can be formulated as follows.

δp2,com =δp2,s
=(WT(yp2-tp2))f([a;p1]) (8)

where is the Hadamard product between the two vectors and f is the element-wise derivative of f=tanh. With the results from Equation 4.2.1, we then can calculate the derivatives for the Wsen at node p2 using the following equation:


Similarly, for the derivative of each slice k(k=1,,d) of the Vsen tensor, we have the following:


Now, let’s form the equations for computing the error for the two children of the p2 node. The difference for the error at p2 and its two children is that the error for the latter will need to compute the error message passing down from p2. We denote the error passing down as δp2,down, where the left child and the right child of p2 take the 1st and 2nd half of the error δp2,down, namely δp2,down[1:d] and δp2,down[d+1:2d], respectively. Following this notation, we have the error message for the two children of p2, provided that we have the δp2,down:

δp1,com =δp1,s+δp2,down[d+1:2d]

The incoming error message of node a can be calculated similarly. Finally, we can finish the above equations with the following formula for computing δp2,down:

δp2,down =(WTδp2,com)f([a;p1])+δtensor



After the models are trained, they are applied to predict the sentiment of the test data. The original RNTN and the PSTN predict 5-class sentiment for each negated phrase; we map the output to real-valued scores based on the scale that used to map real-valued sentiment scores to sentiment categories. Specifically, we conduct the mapping with the formula: pireal=yi[0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9]; i.e., we calculate the dot product of the posterior probability yi and the scaling vector. For example, if yi=[0.5 0.5 0 0 0], meaning this phrase has a 0.5 probability to be in the first category (strong negative) and 0.5 for the second category (weak negative), the resulting pireal will be 0.2 (0.5*0.1+0.5*0.3).

5 Experiment set-up

Data As described earlier, the Stanford Sentiment Treebank [] has manually annotated, real-valued sentiment values for all phrases in parse trees. This provides us with the training and evaluation data to study the effect of negators with syntax and semantics of different complexity in a natural setting. The data contain around 11,800 sentences from movie reviews that were originally collected by . The sentences were parsed with the Stanford parser []. The phrases at all tree nodes were manually annotated with one of 25 sentiment values that uniformly span between the positive and negative poles. The values are normalized to the range of [0, 1].

In this paper, we use a list of most frequent negators that include the words not, no, never, and their combinations with auxiliaries (e.g., didn’t). We search these negators in the Stanford Sentiment Treebank and normalize the same negators to a single form; e.g., “is n’t”, “isn’t”, and “is not” are all normalized to “is_not”. Each occurrence of a negator and the phrase it is directly composed with in the treebank, i.e., wn,w, is considered a data point in our study. In total, we collected 2,261 pairs, including 1,845 training and 416 test cases. The split of training and test data is same as specified in [].

Evaluation metrics We use the mean absolute error (MAE) to evaluate the models, which measures the averaged absolute offsets between the predicted sentiment values and the gold standard. More specifically, MAE is calculated as: MAE=1Nwn,w|(s^(wn,w)-s(wn,w))|, where s^(wn,w) denotes the gold sentiment value and s(wn,w) the predicted one for the pair wn,w, and N is the total number of test instances. Note that mean square error (MSE) is another widely used measure for regression, but it is less intuitive for out task here.

6 Experimental results

Overall regression performance Table 1 shows the overall fitting performance of all models. The first row of the table is a random baseline, which simply guesses the sentiment value for each test case randomly in the range [0,1]. The table shows that the basic reversing and shifting heuristics do capture negators’ behavior to some degree, as their MAE scores are higher than that of the baseline. Making the basic shifting model to be dependent on the negators (model 4) reduces the prediction error significantly as compared with the error of the basic shifting (model 3). The same is true for the polarity-based shifting (model 5), reflecting that the roles of negators are different when modifying positive and negative phrases. Merging these two models yields additional improvement (model 6).

Assumptions MAE
  (1) Random 0.2796
  (2) Reversing 0.1480*
  (3) Basic shifting 0.1452*
  (4) Negator-based shifting 0.1415†
  (5) Polarity-based shifting 0.1417†
  (6) Combined shifting 0.1387†
  (7) RNTN 0.1097**
  (8) PSTN 0.1062††
Table 1: Mean absolute errors (MAE) of fitting different models to Stanford Sentiment Treebank. Models marked with an asterisk (*) are statistically significantly better than the random baseline. Models with a dagger sign () significantly outperform model (3). Double asterisks ** indicates a statistically significantly different from model (6), and the model with the double dagger ††is significantly better than model (7). One-tailed paired t-test with a 95% significance level is used here.

Furthermore, modeling the syntax and semantics with the state-of-the-art recursive neural network (model 7 and 8) can dramatically improve the performance over model 6. The PSTN model, which takes into account the human-annotated prior sentiment of arguments, performs the best. This could suggest that additional external knowledge, e.g., that from human-built resources or automatically learned from other data (e.g., as in []), including sentiment that cannot be inferred from its constituent expressions, might be incorporated to benefit the current neural-network-based models as prior knowledge.

Note that the two neural network based models incorporate the syntax and semantics by representing each node with a vector. One may consider that a straightforward way of considering the semantics of the modified phrases is simply memorizing them. For example, if a phrase very good modified by a negator not appears in the training and test data, the system can simply memorize the sentiment score of not very good in training and use this score at testing. When incorporating this memorizing strategy into model (6), we observed a MAE score of 0.1222. It’s not surprising that memorizing the phrases has some benefit, but such matching relies on the exact reoccurrences of phrases. Note that this is a special case of what the neural network based models can model.

Discriminating negators The results in Table 1 has demonstrated the benefit of discriminating negators. To understand this further, we plot in Figure 3 the behavior of different negators: the x-axis is a subset of our negators and the y-axis denotes absolute shifting in sentiment values. For example, we can see that the negator “is_never” on average shifts the sentiment of the arguments by 0.26, which is a significant change considering the range of sentiment value is [0, 1]. For each negator, a 95% confidence interval is shown by the boxes in the figure, which is calculated with the bootstrapping resampling method. We can observe statistically significant differences of shifting abilities between many negator pairs such as that between “is_never” and “do_not” as well as between “does_not” and “can_not”.

Figure 3: Effect of different negators in shifting sentiment values.

Figure 3 also includes three diminishers (the white bars), i.e., barely, unlikely, and superficial. By following [], we extracted 319 diminishers (also called understatement or downtoners) from General Inquirer33 inquirer/. We calculated their shifting power in the same manner as for the negators and found three diminishers having shifting capability in the shifting range of these negators. This shows that the boundary between negators and diminishers can by fuzzy. In general, we argue that one should always consider modeling negators individually in a sentiment analysis system. Alternatively, if the modeling has to be done in groups, one should consider clustering valence shifters by their shifting abilities in training or external data.

Figure 4: The behavior of individual negators in negated negative (nn) and negated positive (np) context.

Figure 4 shows the shifting capacity of negators when they modify positive (blue boxes) or negative phrases (red boxes). The figure includes five most frequently used negators found in the sentiment treebank. Four of them have significantly different shifting power when composed with positive or negative phrases, which can explain why the polarity-based shifting model achieves improvement over the basic shifting model.

Modeling syntax and semantics We have seen above that modeling syntax and semantics through the-state-of-the-art neural networks help improve the fitting performance. Below, we take a closer look at the fitting errors made at different depths of the sentiment treebank. The depth here is defined as the longest distance between the root of a negator-phrase pair wn,w and their descendant leafs. Negators appearing at deeper levels of the tree tend to have more complicated syntax and semantics. In Figure 5, the x-axis corresponds to different depths and y-axis is the mean absolute errors (MAE).

Figure 5: Errors made at different depths in the sentiment tree bank.

The figure shows that both RNTN and PSTN perform much better at all depths than the model 6 in Table 1. When the depths are within 4, the RNTN performs very well and the (human annotated) prior sentiment of arguments used in PSTN does not bring additional improvement over RNTN. PSTN outperforms RNTN at greater depths, where the syntax and semantics are more complicated and harder to model. The errors made by model 6 is bumpy, as the model considers no semantics and hence its errors are not dependent on the depths. On the other hand, the errors of RNTN and PSTN monotonically increase with depths, indicating the increase in the task difficulty.

7 Conclusions

Negation plays a fundamental role in modifying sentiment. In the process of semantic composition, the impact of negators is complicated by the syntax and semantics of the text spans they modify. This paper provides a comprehensive and quantitative study of the behavior of negators through a unified view of fitting human annotation. We first measure the modeling capabilities of two influential heuristics on a sentiment treebank and find that they capture some effect of negation; however, extending these non-lexicalized models to be dependent on the negators improves the performance statistically significantly. The detailed analysis reveals the differences in the behavior among negators, and we argue that they should always be modeled separately. We further make the models to be dependent on the text being modified by negators, through adaptation of a state-of-the-art recursive neural network to incorporate the syntax and semantics of the arguments; we discover this further reduces fitting errors.
