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ACL 2014 Workshop on Semantic Parsing

Workshop PROGRAM

Thursday, June 26, 2014

9:00–9:05Opening Remarks
 Invited Talks
9:05–9:50Semantic Parsing: Past, Present, and Future
Raymond Mooney
9:50–10:20Can a Machine Translate Without Knowing What Translation Is?
Kevin Knight
 Exceptional Submission Talks
10:20–10:30Low-Dimensional Embeddings of Logic
Tim Rocktäschel, Matko Bošnjak, Sameer Singh and Sebastian Riedel
10:30–11:00Coffee Break
11:00–11:10Combining Formal and Distributional Models of Temporal and Intensional Semantics
Mike Lewis and Mark Steedman
11:10–11:20Cooking with Semantics
Jonathan Malmaud, Earl Wagner, Nancy Chang and Kevin Murphy
11:20–12:30Poster Session
 Learning a Lexicon for Broad-coverage Semantic Parsing
James Allen
 Semantic Parsing using Distributional Semantics and Probabilistic Logic
Islam Beltagy, Katrin Erk and Raymond Mooney
 Large-scale CCG Induction from the Groningen Meaning Bank
Sebastian Beschke, Yang Liu and Wolfgang Menzel
 Semantic Parsing for Text to 3D Scene Generation
Angel Chang, Manolis Savva and Christopher Manning
 Leveraging Frame Semantics and Distributional Semantics for Unsupervised Semantic Slot Induction in Spoken Dialogue Systems
Yun-nung Chen, William Yang Wang and Alexander Rudnicky
 Semantic Parsing for Information Extraction
Eunsol Choi, Tom Kwiatkowski and Luke Zettlemoyer
 Parsing and Grounding Referring Expressions in Automatically Constructed 3D Models
Nicholas Fitzgerald and Luke Zettlemoyer
 Graph-Based Algorithms for Semantic Parsing
Jeffrey Flanigan, Samuel Thomson, David Bamman, Jesse Dodge, Manaal Faruqui, Brendan O’Connor, Nathan Schneider, Swabha Swayamdipta, Chris Dyer and Noah A. Smith
 A Deep Architecture for Semantic Parsing
Edward Grefenstette, Phil Blunsom, Nando de Freitas and Karl Moritz Hermann
 Symmetry-Based Semantic Parsing
Chloé Kiddon and Pedro Domingos
 Leveraging Heterogeneous Data Sources for Relational Semantic Parsing
Meghana Kshirsagar, Nathan Schneider and Chris Dyer
 Context-dependent Semantic Parsing for Time Expressions
Kenton Lee, Yoav Artzi, Jesse Dodge and Luke Zettlemoyer
 Combining Formal and Distributional Models of Temporal and Intensional Semantics
Mike Lewis and Mark Steedman
 Cooking with Semantics
Jonathan Malmaud, Earl Wagner, Nancy Chang and Kevin Murphy
 Representing Caused Motion in Embodied Construction Grammar
Ellen K Dodge and Miriam R L Petruck
 Constructing Semantic Parsing Datasets from Technical Documentation
Kyle Richardson and Jonas Kuhn
 Notes on the MCTest Dataset for the Open-Domain Machine Comprehension of Text
Matthew Richardson, Christopher J.C. Burges and Erin Renshaw
 Low-Dimensional Embeddings of Logic
Tim Rocktäschel, Matko Bošnjak, Sameer Singh and Sebastian Riedel
 Software Requirements: A new Domain for Semantic Parsers
Michael Roth, Themistoklis Diamantopoulos, Ewan Klein and Andreas Symeonidis
 From Treebank Parses to Episodic Logic and Commonsense Inference
Lenhart Schubert
 On maximum spanning DAG algorithms for semantic DAG parsing
Natalie Schluter
 Intermediary Semantic Representation through Proposition Structures
Gabriel Stanovsky, Jessica Ficler, Ido Dagan and Yoav Goldberg
 Efficient Logical Inference for Semantic Processing
Ran Tian, Yusuke Miyao and Takuya Matsuzaki
 A New Corpus for Context-Dependent Semantic Parsing
Andreas Vlachos and Stephen Clark
 Towards README-EVAL : Interpreting README File Instructions
James White
 Freebase QA: Information Extraction or Semantic Parsing?
Xuchen Yao, Jonathan Berant and Benjamin Van Durme
12:30–14:10Lunch Break
 Invited Talks
14:10–14:50Semantic Parsing for Cancer Panomics
Hoifung Poon
14:50–15:30Semantics for Semantic Parsers
Mark Steedman
15:30–16:00Coffee Break
16:00–16:40Asking for Help Using Inverse Semantics
Stefanie Tellex
16:40–17:20Computing with Natural Language
Percy Liang
17:20–18:00Grounded Semantic Parsing
Luke Zettlemoyer