Proceedings of the ACL 2014 Workshop on Language Technologies and Computational Social Science

Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil
Jacob Eisenstein
Kathleen McKeown
Noah A. Smith

Full proceedings volume (PDF)
Schedule and author index (HTML)
Bibliography (BibTeX)
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Front matter [pdf] [bib] pages
Is It All in the Phrasing? Computational Explorations in How We Say What We Say, and Why It Matters
Lillian Lee
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pp. 1–1
Creating and Destroying Party Brands
Justin Grimmer
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pp. 2–2
Sociolinguistics for Computational Social Science
Sali Tagliamonte
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pp. 3–3
Location and Language Use in Social Media
Ed Chi
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pp. 4–4
Overview of the 2014 NLP Unshared Task in PoliInformatics
Noah A. Smith, Claire Cardie, Anne Washington and John Wilkerson
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pp. 5–7
Context-based Natural Language Processing for GIS-based Vague Region Visualization
Wei Chen
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pp. 8–12
Extracting Socioeconomic Patterns from the News: Modelling Text and Outlet Importance Jointly
Vasileios Lampos, Daniel Preotiuc-Pietro, Sina Samangooei, Douwe Gelling and Trevor Cohn
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pp. 13–17
Fact Checking: Task definition and dataset construction
Andreas Vlachos and Sebastian Riedel
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pp. 18–22
Finding Eyewitness Tweets During Crises
Fred Morstatter, Nichola Lubold, Heather Pon-Barry, Jürgen Pfeffer and Huan Liu
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pp. 23–27
Inducing Information Structures for Data-driven Text Analysis
Andrew Salway, Samia Touileb and Endre Tvinnereim
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pp. 28–32
Information density, Heaps’ Law, and perception of factiness in news
Miriam Boon
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pp. 33–37
Measuring the Public Accountability of New Modes of Governance
Bruno Wueest, Gerold Schneider and Michael Amsler
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pp. 38–43
Optimizing Features in Active Machine Learning for Complex Qualitative Content Analysis
Jasy Suet Yan Liew, Nancy McCracken, Shichun Zhou and Kevin Crowston
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pp. 44–48
Power of Confidence: How Poll Scores Impact Topic Dynamics in Political Debates
Vinodkumar Prabhakaran, Ashima Arora and Owen Rambow
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pp. 49–49
Predicting Fine-grained Social Roles with Selectional Preferences
Charley Beller, Craig Harman and Benjamin Van Durme
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pp. 50–55
Predicting Party Affiliations from European Parliament Debates
Bjørn Høyland, Jean-François Godbout, Emanuele Lapponi and Erik Velldal
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pp. 56–60
Temporal Analysis of Language through Neural Language Models
Yoon Kim, Yi-I Chiu, Kentaro Hanaki, Darshan Hegde and Slav Petrov
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pp. 61–65
Using Simple NLP Tools to Trace the Globalization of the Art World
Mohamed AlTantawy, Alix Rule, Owen Rambow, Zhongyu Wang and Rupayan Basu
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pp. 66–70
Issue Framing as a Generalizable Phenomenon
Amber Boydstun
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pp. 71–71
“I Want to Talk About, Again, My Record On Energy ...”: Modeling Agendas and Framing in Political Debates and Other Conversations
Philip Resnik
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pp. 72–72

Last modified on May 18, 2014, 2:06 p.m.