This page describes the important information for submitting camera-ready papers for ACL 2015.
Read this page carefully to follow the instructions; otherwise, it is possible that your paper is not uploaded, or wrong information will appear on the program.
Read the style file guideline for the details of the formatting.
In the START submission site, you are asked to input the metadata of the authors. It is very important to make sure that the metadata you input to START and the corresponding information on the paper are equivalent, because the author names and affiliations you specify in START will be used to generate the ACL Anthology entries and the index of the proceedings. If they are different, the publication chairs may resolve the difference without consulting with you; so it is in your own interest to double-check that the information is consistent.
Before the final submission, check the validity of your paper by yourself. Here is some useful information for how to check it.
"pdfinfo YOUR_PDF_FILE.pdf" will output information like this:
Pages: 4
Page size: 595.276 x 841.89 pts (A4)
"Page size" must be "A4" (not "letter").
"pdffonts YOUR_PDF_FILE.pdf" will output the list of fonts used in your PDF, where the column "emb" indicates whether the font is embedded. Make sure that all fonts except Standard 14 Fonts (Times, Courier, Helvetica, Symbol, Zapf Dingbats) are embedded. In particular, papers including Asian fonts must be checked carefully; the papers look properly with your localized PDF reader, while they will not appear correctly with other PDF readers.
"File" -> "Properties" shows a window like this:
"Page Size" must be "21 x 29.7cm" (or 8.27 x 11.7 in) (A4).
"File" -> "Properties" -> "Fonts" will show a window like:
Make sure that all fonts except Standard 14 Fonts (Times, Courier, Helvetica, Symbol, Zapf Dingbats) are embedded (indicated by "Embedded" or "Embedded Subset"). In particular, papers including Asian fonts must be checked carefully; the papers look properly with your localized PDF reader, while they will not appear correctly with other PDF readers.
"Tools" -> "Show Inspector" shows a window like the following:
"Page size" must be "21 x 29.7cm" (or 8.27 x 11.7 in) (A4).
We will collect LaTeX sources of your camera-ready paper. The submission of LaTeX sources is not obligatory, but it is strongly recommended. LaTeX sources are automatically converted to XML by LaTeXML, and the XML version of your paper will appear in the ACL anthology as XML proceedings, alongside the PDF version. If you do not submit latex sources, your paper will not appear in the XML proceedings (of course, the PDF version of your paper will still appear in the ACL Anthology even when you do not submit LaTeX sources).
In the submission page, you will see In Part C the field to upload LaTeX sources just below the field for the PDF file (see below). Upload the zip file containing latex sources, bib files (.bib), and other attachment files (images, etc.).
The LaTeXML website applies exactly the same conversion that we will use for the conversion in the ACL Anthology, so you may want to try it to preview what your XML paper will look like.
This section provides some useful information about the LaTeX submission and the conversion into XML proceedings.
See more detailed information below.
START provides you with an interface to upload your LaTeX sources. You will find a field to input the file name of your latex source package, just below the field to specify the camera-ready PDF file (in Part C). Zip all your LaTeX sources (*.tex), bib files (*.bib), and necessary attachments (images, etc.), and specify (or drag-and-drop) the name of the zip file.
It is suggested to try LaTeXML prior to the final submission to see how the conversion looks like. We will apply the same conversion that you can try with the LaTeXML web interface (sorry that it does not work with Safari). Use it in the following procedure:
Note: The LaTeXML website will not store the LaTeX sources you upload, so feel free to try this interface with an unfinished draft of your paper. However, we will store (the final version of) the LaTeX sources you upload in the START system, and may use them to generate improved XML in the future.
LaTeXML does not support all of the LaTeX packages. You will possibly get unexpected conversion results when you use unsupported packages. Therefore, it is encouraged to use officially supported packages listed below:
a4, a4wide, aasms, aaspp, aastex, acronym, ae, afterpage, alltt, amsbsy, amscd, amsfonts, amsmath, amsopn, amsppt, amsrefs, amssymb, amstex, amstext, amsthm, amsxtra, array, avant, babel, bbm, bbold, beton, bm, bookman, cancel, caption, ccfonts, chancery, charter, cite, citesort, cmbright, color, colortbl, comment, concmath, courier, cropmark, dcolumn, doublespace, elsart, emulateapj, enumerate, epigraph, epsf, epsfig, epstopdf, eucal, eufrak, euler, eulervm, eurosym, euscript, exscale, fixltx2e, fleqn, float, floatfig, floatflt, fontenc, fontspec, footmisc, fourier, framed, fullpage, german, graphics, graphicx, helvet, here, hhline, html, hyperref, hyperxmp, ifpdf, indentfirst, inputenc, iopams, keyval, latexml, latexsym, listings, longtable, lscape, luximono, lxRDFa, makeidx, mathpazo, mathpple, mathptm, mathptmx, mathrsfs, multicol, multido, multirow, natbib, newcent, ngerman, ntheorem, numprint, palatino, paralist, pifont, placeins, psfig, pspicture, pst-grad, pst-node, pstricks, pxfonts, revsymb, revtex, revtex4, rsfs, scalefnt, setspace, subfigure, supertabular, tabularx, textcomp, texvc, theorem, times, tocbibind, txfonts, upgreek, upref, url, utopia, wrapfig, xcolor, xspace, xunicode, yfonts
When your paper is accepted for publication at ACL 2015, you have to submit the camera-ready version of your paper by May 29, 2015 (long papers) or June 21, 2015 (short papers).
The submission instruction involves a couple of new procedures:
One innovation which we are introducing for ACL 2015 is that we will publish papers in machine-readable XML in the ACL Anthology, in addition to the traditional PDF format. This will allow us to create, over the next few years, a growing corpus of scientific text for our own future research, and picks up on recent initiatives on converting ACL papers from earlier years to XML.
When you submit your camera-ready paper, we will automatically convert the LaTeX source code into XML using the LaTeXML tool. For now, uploading your LaTeX sources along with the camera-ready PDF will be a voluntary option. However, the more authors make use of this option, the more XML papers we will have in the Anthology, so we encourage everyone to participate.
Using LaTeX style files is recommended, since we will collect LaTeX sources this year.