EMNLP-CoNLL 2012 Best Reviewer Awards
The conference recognizes and applauses the role of reviewers who worked particularly hard at offering reviews useful to the program committee and, more importantly, to authors. Such reviewers may notice something that everyone else missed, which proves important in properly assessing the strength of a submission; or be particularly thorough in their findings; or summarize the strengths and shortcomings of a submission in a particularly useful format for use by the program committee, while providing generous useful feedback to authors.
- Aditya Bhargava
- Alan Ritter
- Alexander Kotov
- Alexander Rush
- Andre Martins
- Andrei Popescu-Belis
- Annie Louis
- Arjun Mukherjee
- Becky Passonneau
- Colin Cherry
- David Burkett
- David Elson
- Gerhard Weikum
- Graeme Blackwood
- Greg Hanneman
- Hoifung Poon
- Hua Ai
- Ines Rehbein
- Ion Androutsopoulos
- Janyce Wiebe
- Jason Naradowsky
- Jayant Krishnamurthy
- Jette Viethen
- Joakim Nivre
- Joern Wuebker
- John Niekrasz
- Katja Filippova
- Kevin Duh
- Kevin Gimpel
- Lucy Vanderwende
- Marco Kuhlmann
- Marie Candito
- Marine Carpuat
- Mark Dredze
- Matthew Gerber
- Mirella Lapata
- Mohit Bansal
- Noah Smith
- Oren Tsur
- Oscar Täckström
- Owen Rambow
- Robert Moore
- Roberto Navigli
- Roland Kuhn
- Ryan McDonald
- Sasa Hasan
- Sasha Blair-Goldensohn
- Soumen Chakrabarti
- Spence Green
- Vanessa Murdock
- Vincent Ng
- Xavier Carreras
- Yoav Artzi
- Yoav Goldberg
- Yue Zhang