EMNLP 2013: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing — October 18–21, 2013 — Seattle, USA.


Student Volunteers and Travel Grants

Student Volunteer Program

We seek a limited number of student volunteers for EMNLP 2013. In exchange for one full day's work equivalent, student volunteers receive free registration to the main conference (although not to the associated workshops). The work will be divided, probably into two half-day shifts, and the shifts will be scheduled to maximize volunteer access to the conference events. Tasks will include assisting at the registration desk, stuffing delegate packs, and providing technical assistance for conference events including the main conference and workshops.

Student Travel Awards

A small amount of funding is also available to assist up to four student participants both with travel to Seattle, WA for EMNLP 2013, as well as with conference expenses (such as housing, local transportation to/from airport, etc.).

All students are welcome to apply. The applicants must agree to participate in the EMNLP 2013 Student Volunteer Program to further defray costs. Please note that Student Travel Awards are to subsidize student authors' participation in EMNLP, and are not intended to cover all travel expenses.

This funding is possible thanks to a grant from Google.

Submission procedure

To apply for either or both of the Student Volunteer Program and/or a Student Travel Grant, please send an email application to Priscilla Rasmussen stating the following:

The application deadline is September 15, 2013, 23:59 EDT. Awars will be notified on September 19, 2013.

All Student Travel Award recipients who are not selected for the Student Volunteer Program must register for the conference and pay at the student rates. All Student Volunteer Award recipients must also register for the conference, selecting “I am a Student Volunteer” in the main conference section.

Students will be reimbursed by the ACL Business Manager, Priscilla Rasmussen, after the conference and upon providing original or scanned receipts and an accounting of the requested funding (i.e., a business expense report).