NAACL HLT 2009: Accepted Papers
Long Papers
Author | Title |
Adam Pauls and Dan Klein | Hierarchical Search for Parsing |
Alexandre Bouchard-Côté, Thomas L. Griffiths and Dan Klein | Improved Reconstruction of Protolanguage Word Forms |
Amanda Stent, Ilija Zeljkovic, Diamantino Caseiro and Jay Wilpon | Geo-Centric Language Models for Local Business Voice Search |
Amit Goyal, Hal Daume and Suresh Venkatasubramanian | Streaming for large scale NLP: Language Modeling |
Andrei Alexandrescu and Katrin Kirchhoff | Graph-based Learning for Statistical Machine Translation |
Andrew Goldberg, Nathanael Fillmore, David Andrzejewski, Zhiting Xu, Bryan Gibson and Xiaojin Zhu | May All Your Wishes Come True: A Study of Wishes and How to Recognize Them |
Antoine Raux and Maxine Eskenazi | A Finite-State Turn-Taking Model for Spoken Dialog Systems |
Aria Haghighi and Lucy Vanderwende | Exploring Content Models for Multi-Document Summarization |
Ashish Venugopal, Andreas Zollmann, Noah Smith and Stephan Vogel | Preference Grammars: Softening Syntactic Constraints to Improve Statistical Machine Translation |
Benjamin Snyder, Tahira Naseem, Jacob Eisenstein and Regina Barzilay | Adding More Languages Improves Unsupervised Multilingual Part-of-Speech Tagging: A Bayesian Non-Parametric Approach |
Brian Roark and Kristy Hollingshead | Linear Complexity Context-Free Parsing Pipelines via Chart Constraints |
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Marco Kuhlmann, Giorgio Satta and David Weir | Optimal Reduction of Rule Length in Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems |
Chris Dyer | Using a maximum entropy model to build segmentation lattices for MT |
Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Lillian Lee and Richard Ducott | Without a 'doubt'? Unsupervised discovery of downward-entailing operators |
Dan Jurafsky, Rajesh Ranganath and Dan McFarland | Extracting Social Meaning: Identifying Interactional Style in Spoken Conversation |
David Chiang, Kevin Knight and Wei Wang | 11,001 New Features for Statistical Machine Translation" |
Eneko Agirre, Enrique Alfonseca, Keith Hall, Jana Kravalova, Marius Pasca and Aitor Soroa | A Study on Similarity and Relatedness Using Distributional and WordNet-based Approaches |
Fadi Biadsy, Nizar Habash and Julia Hirschberg | Improving the Arabic Pronunciation Dictionary for Phone and Word Recognition with Linguistically-Based Pronunciation Rules |
Fangzhong Su and Katja Markert | Subjectivity Recognition on Word Senses via Semi-supervised Mincuts |
Feifan Liu, Deana Pennell, Fei Liu and Yang Liu | Unsupervised Approaches for Automatic Keyword Extraction Using Meeting Transcripts |
Gholamreza Haffari and Yee Whye Teh | Hierarchical Dirichlet Trees for Information Retrieval |
Gholamreza Haffari, Maxim Roy and Anoop Sarkar | Active Learning for Statistical Phrase-based Machine Translation |
Gonzalo Iglesias, Adrià de Gispert, Eduardo R. Banga and William Byrne | Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation with Weighted Finite State Transducers |
Hal Daume III | Non-Parametric Bayesian Areal Linguistics |
Han-Bin Chen, Jian-Cheng Wu and Jason S. Chang | Learning Bilingual Linguistic Reordering Model for Statistical Machine Translation |
Harr Chen, S.R.K. Branavan, Regina Barzilay and David R. Karger | Global Models of Document Structure using Latent Permutations |
Hoifung Poon, Colin Cherry and Kristina Toutanova | Unsupervised Morphological Segmentation with Log-Linear Models |
Honglei GUO, Huijia ZHU, Zhili GUO, Xiaoxun ZHANG, Xian WU and Zhong SU | Domain Adaptation with Latent Semantic Association for Named Entity Recognition |
Ivan Meza-Ruiz and Sebastian Riedel,Jointly Identifying Predicates | Arguments and Senses using Markov Logic" |
J. Scott Olsson and Douglas W. Oard | Phrase-Based Query Degradation Modeling for Vocabulary-Independent Ranked Utterance Retrieval |
Jacob Eisenstein | Hierarchical Text Segmentation from Multi-Scale Lexical Cohesion |
Jamie Brunning, Adrià de Gispert and William Byrne | Context-Dependent Alignment Models for Statistical Machine Translation |
Jenny Rose Finkel and Christopher D. Manning | Hierarchical Bayesian Domain Adaptation |
Jenny Rose Finkel and Christopher D. Manning | Joint Parsing and Named Entity Recognition |
John DeNero, Mohit Bansal, Adam Pauls and Dan Klein | Efficient Parsing for Transducer Grammars |
Keyur Gabani, Melissa Sherman, Thamar Solorio, Yang Liu, Lisa Bedore and Elizabeth Peña | A Corpus-Based Approach for the Prediction of Language Impairment in Monolingual English and Spanish-English Bilingual Children |
Kirill Kireyev | Semantic-based Estimation of Term Informativeness |
Klinton Bicknell and Roger Levy | A model of local coherence effects in human sentence processing as consequences of updates from bottom-up prior to posterior beliefs |
Lei Chen, Klaus Zechner and Xiaoming Xi | Improved pronunciation features for construct-driven assessment of non-native spontaneous speech |
Lidan Wang and Douglas Oard | Context-based Message Expansion for Disentanglement of Interleaved Text Conversations |
Luciano Barbosa, Ravi Kumar, Bo Pang and Andrew Tomkins | For a few dollars less: Identifying review pages sans human labels |
Mark Johnson and Sharon Goldwater | Improving nonparameteric Bayesian inference: experiments on unsupervised word segmentation with adaptor grammars |
Masato Hagiwara and Hisami Suzuki | Japanese Query Alteration Based on Lexical Semantic Similarity |
Matthew Gerber, Joyce Chai and Adam Meyers | The Role of Implicit Argumentation in Nominal SRL |
Micha Elsner, Eugene Charniak and Mark Johnson | Structured Generative Models for Unsupervised Named-Entity Clustering |
Ming-Wei Chang, Dan Goldwasser, Dan Roth and Yuancheng Tu | Unsupervised Constraint Driven Learning For Transliteration Discovery |
Peng Xu, Jaeho Kang, Michael Ringgaard and Franz Och | Using a Dependency Parser to Improve SMT for Subject-Object-Verb Languages |
Percy Liang and Dan Klein | Online EM for Unsupervised Models |
Ping Chen, Wei Ding, Chris Bowes and David Brown | A Fully Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Method Using Dependency Knowledge |
Rajen Subba and Barbara Di Eugenio | An effective Discourse Parser that uses Rich Linguistic Information |
Rebecca Nesson and Stuart Shieber | Efficiently Parsable Extensions to Tree-Local Multicomponent TAG |
Ruhi Sarikaya, Mohamed Afify and Brian Kingsbury | Tied-Mixture Language Modeling in Continuous Space |
Ryohei Sasano, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi | The Effect of Corpus Size on Case Frame Acquisition for Discourse Analysis |
Saif Mohammad, Bonnie Dorr, Melissa Egan, Ahmed Hassan, Pradeep Muthukrishan, Vahed Qazvinian, Dragomir Radev and David Zajic | Using Citations to Generate surveys of Scientific Paradigms |
Shay Cohen and Noah A. Smith | Shared Logistic Normal Distributions for Soft Parameter Tying in Unsupervised Grammar Induction |
Shimon Kogan, Dimitry Levin, Bryan R. Routledge, Jacob S. Sagi and Noah A. Smith | Predicting Risk from Financial Reports with Regression |
Stanley Chen | Performance Prediction for Exponential Language Models |
Stanley Chen | Shrinking Exponential Language Models |
Stephan Greene and Philip Resnik | More than Words: Syntactic Packaging and Implicit Sentiment |
Sujith Ravi and Kevin Knight | Learning Phoneme Mappings for Transliteration without Parallel Data |
Susan Bartlett, Grzegorz Kondrak and Colin Cherry | On the Syllabification of Phonemes |
Tae Yano, William W. Cohen and Noah A. Smith | Predicting Response to Political Blog Posts with Topic Models |
Tim Miller | Improved Syntactic Models for Parsing Speech with Repairs |
Timo Baumann, Michaela Atterer and David Schlangen | Assessing and Improving the Performance of Speech Recognition for Incremental Systems |
Trevor Cohn, Sharon Goldwater and Phil Blunsom | Inducing Compact but Accurate Tree-Substitution Grammars |
Vincent Ng | Graph-Cut-Based Anaphoricity Determination for Coreference Resolution |
Vishnu Vyas and Patrick Pantel | Semi-Automatic Entity Set Refinement |
Weifu Du and Songbo Tan | An Iterative Reinforcement Approach for Fine-Grained Opinion Mining |
William P. Headden III, Mark Johnson and David McClosky | Improving Unsupervised Dependency Parsing with Richer Contexts and Smoothing |
William Schuler | Positive Results for Parsing with a Bounded Stack using a Model-Based Right-Corner Transform |
Xianchao Wu, Naoaki Okazaki and Jun'ichi Tsujii | Semi-Supervised Lexicon Mining from Parenthetical Expressions in Monolingual Web Pages |
Xu Sun, Yaozhong Zhang, Takuya Matsuzaki, Yoshimasa Tsuruoka and Jun'ichi Tsujii | A Discriminative Latent Variable Chinese Segmenter with Hybrid Word/Character Information |
Y. Albert Park and Roger Levy | Minimal-length linearizations for mildly context-sensitive dependency trees |
Yaw Gyamfi, Janyce Wiebe, Rada Mihalcea and Cem Akkaya | Integrating Knowledge for Subjectivity Sense Labeling |
Yu Chen, Martin Kay and Andreas Eisele | Intersecting multilingual data for faster and better statistical translations |
Short Papers
Antonio-L. Lagarda, Vicent Alabau, Francisco Casacuberta, Roberto Silva and Enrique Díaz-de-Liaño | Statistical Post-Editing of a Rule-Based Machine Translation System |
Bhuvana Ramabhadran, Abhinav Sethy, Jonathan Mamou, Brian Kingsbury and Upendra Chaudhari | Fast decoding for open vocabulary spoken term detection |
Bing Zhao and Shengyuan Chen | A Simplex Armijo Downhill Algorithm for Optimizing Statistical Machine Translation Decoding Parameters |
Dan Gillick | Sentence Boundary Detection and the Problem with the U.S. |
Dekai Wu and Pascale Fung | Semantic Roles for SMT: A Hybrid Two-Pass Model |
Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha | Semantic classification with WordNet kernels |
Dogan Can and Murat Saraclar | Score Distribution Based Term Specific Thresholding for Spoken Term Detection |
Dong Yang, Yi-Cheng Pan and Sadaoki Furui | Automatic Chinese Abbreviation Generation Using Conditional Random Field |
Emilia Apostolova and Dina Demner-Fushman | Towards Automatic Image Region Annotation - Image Region Textual Coreference Resolution |
Enrique Alfonseca, Keith Hall and Silvana Hartmann | Large-scale Computation of Distributional Similarities for Queries |
Giuseppe Attardi and Felice Dell'Orletta | Reverse Revision and Linear Tree Combination for Dependency Parsing |
Hao Tang, Stephen Chu and Thomas Huang | Spherical Discriminant Analysis in Semi-supervised Speaker Clustering |
Huayan Zhong and Amanda Stent | Determining the position of adverbial phrases in English |
Jeremy Nicholson and Timothy Baldwin | Web and Corpus Methods for Malay Count Classifier Prediction |
Joseph Turian, James Bergstra and Yoshua Bengio | Quadratic Features and Deep Architectures for Chunking |
Katja Filippova and Michael Strube | Tree Linearization in English: Improving Language Model Based Approaches |
Kenji Sagae, Gwen Christian, David DeVault and David Traum | Towards Natural Language Understanding of Partial Speech Recognition Results in Dialogue Systems |
Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Robert Phillips, Eun Young Ha, Michael Wallis, Mladen Vouk and James Lester | Modeling Dialogue Structure with Adjacency Pair Analysis and Hidden Markov Models |
Libby Barak, Ido Dagan and Eyal Shnarch | Text Categorization from Category Name via Lexical Reference |
Marie-Jean Meurs, Fabrice Lefèvre and Renato De Mori | Learning Bayesian Networks for Semantic Frame Composition in a Spoken Dialog System |
Meladel Mistica and Timothy Baldwin | Recognising the Predicate-argument Structure of Tagalog |
Michael Paul, Hirofumi Yamamoto, Eiichiro Sumita and Satoshi Nakamura | On the Importance of Pivot Language Selection for Statistical Machine Translation |
Nate Blaylock, Bradley Swain and James Allen | TESLA: A Tool for Annotating Geospatial Language Corpora |
Nguyen Bach, Stephan Vogel and Colin Cherry | Cohesive Constraints in A Beam Search Phrase-based Decoder |
Onur \c{C}obano\u{g}lu | Active Zipfian Sampling for Statistical Parser Training |
Paul McNamee, James Mayfield and Charles Nicholas | Translation Corpus Source and Size in Bilingual Retrieval |
Peng Jin, Diana McCarthy, Rob Koeling and John Carroll | Estimating and Exploiting the Entropy of Sense Distributions |
Saa Hasan and Hermann Ney | Comparison of Extended Lexicon Models in Search and Rescoring for SMT |
Sebastian Riedel and James Clarke | Revisiting Optimal Decoding for Machine Translation IBM Model 4 |
Shilpa Arora, Mahesh Joshi and Carolyn Rose | Identifying Types of Claims in Online Customer Reviews |
Sibel Yaman, Gokan Tur, Dimitra Vergyri, Dilek Hakkani-Tur, Mary Harper and Wen Wang | Anchored Speech Recognition for Question Answering |
Taniya Mishra and Srinivas Bangalore | Tightly coupling Speech Recognition and Search |
Victoria Fossum and Kevin Knight | Combining Constituent Parsers |
Yuzu UCHIDA and Kenji ARAKI | Evaluation of a System for Noun Concepts Acquisition from Utterances about Images (SINCA) Using Daily Conversation Data |
Zhifei Li and Sanjeev Khudanpur | Efficient Extraction of Oracle-best Translations from Hypergraphs |
Short Papers accepted as poster presentations
P1-1 | Adrià de Gispert, Sami Virpioja, Mikko Kurimo and William Byrne | Minimum Bayes Risk Combination of Translation Hypotheses from Alternative Morphological Decompositions |
P2-1 | Andreas Hagen, Bryan Pellom and Kadri Hacioglu | Generating Synthetic Children's Acoustic Models from Adult Models |
P3-1 | Andrew Rosenberg and Julia Hirschberg | Detecting Pitch Accents at the Word, Syllable and Vowel Level |
P4-1 | Bonaventura Coppola, Alessandro Moschitti and Giuseppe Riccardi | Shallow Semantic Parsing for Spoken Language Understanding |
P5-1 | Cheongjae Lee, Sangkeun Jung, Kyungduk Kim and Gary Geunbae Lee | Automatic Agenda Graph Construction from Human-Human Dialogs using Clustering Method |
P6-1 | Christoph Tillmann and Jian-ming Xu | A Simple Sentence-Level Extraction Algorithm for Comparable Data |
P7-1 | Daisuke Okanohara and Jun'ichi Tsujii | Learning Combination Features with L1 Regularization |
P8-1 | Daniel Bolanos, Geoffrey Zweig and Patrick Nguyen | Multi-scale Personalization for Voice Search |
P9-1 | Heather Pon-Barry and Stuart Shieber | The Importance of Sub-Utterance Prosody in Predicting Level of Certainty |
P10-1 | Kallirroi Georgila | Using Integer Linear Programming for Detecting Speech Disfluencies |
P11-1 | Kevin Lerman and Ryan McDonald | Contrastive Summarization: An Experiment with Consumer Reviews |
P12-1 | Kino Coursey and Rada Mihalcea | Topic Identification Using Wikipedia Graph Centrality |
P13-1 | Kun Yu and Junichi Tsujii | Extracting Bilingual Dictionary from Comparable Corpora with Dependency Heterogeneity |
P14-1 | Lonneke van der Plas, James Henderson and Paola Merlo | Domain Adaptation with Artificial Data for Semantic Parsing of Speech |
P15-1 | Lucian Galescu | Extending Pronunciation Lexicons via Non-phonemic Respellings |
P16-1 | Masaki Katsumaru, Mikio Nakano, Kazunori Komatani, Kotaro Funakoshi, Tetsuya Ogata and Hiroshi G. Okuno | A Speech Understanding Framework that Uses Multiple Language Models and Multiple Understanding Models |
P17-1 | Michael Bloodgood and Vijay Shanker | Taking into Account the Differences between Actively and Passively Acquired Data: The Case of Active Learning with Support Vector Machines for Imbalanced Datasets |
P18-1 | Michael Pust and Kevin Knight | Faster MT Decoding Through Pervasive Laziness |
P1-2 | Naman K Gupta, Sourish Chaudhuri and Carolyn P Rose | Evaluating the Syntactic Transformations in Gold Standard Corpora for Statistical Sentence Compression |
P2-2 | Nguyen Bach, Roger Hsiao, Matthias Eck, Paisarn Charoenpornsawat, Stephan Vogel, Tanja Schultz, Ian Lane, Alex Waibel and Alan Black | Incremental Adaptation of Speech-to-Speech Translation |
P3-2 | Octavian Popescu | Name Perplexity |
P4-2 | Protima Banerjee and Hyoil Han | Answer Credibility: A Language Modeling Approach to Answer Validation |
P5-2 | Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, Michael White and Dominic Espinosa | Exploiting Named Entity Classes in CCG Surface Realization |
P6-2 | Ruiqiang zhang, yi Chang, Zhaohui Zheng, Donald Metzler and Jian-yun Nie | Search Engine Adaptation by Feedback Control Adjustment for Time-sensitive Query |
P7-2 | Seokhwan Kim, Minwoo Jeong and Gary Geunbae Lee | A Local Tree Alignment-based Soft Pattern Matching Approach for Information Extraction |
P8-2 | Sergey Feldman, Marius Marin, Julie Medero and Mari Ostendorf | Classifying Factored Genres with Part-of-Speech Histograms |
P9-2 | Siddhartha Jonnalagadda, Luis Tari, Jörg Hakenberg, Chitta Baral and Graciela Gonzalez | Towards Effective Sentence Simplification for Automatic Processing of Biomedical Text |
P10-2 | Songbo Tan and Xueqi Cheng | Improving SCL Model for Sentiment-Transfer Learning |
P11-2 | Srinivas Bangalore, Pierre Boullier, Alexis Nasr, Owen Rambow and Benoît Sagot | MICA: A Probabilistic Dependency Parser Based on Tree Insertion Grammars (Application Note) |
P12-2 | Svetlana Stoyanchev and Amanda Stent | Lexical and Syntactic Adaptation and Their Impact in Deployed Spoken Dialog Systems |
P13-2 | Teemu Hirsimaki and Mikko Kurimo | Analysing Recognition Errors in Unlimited-Vocabulary Speech Recognition |
P14-2 | Volha Petukhova and Harry Bunt | The independence of dimensions in multidimensional dialogue act annotation |
P15-2 | Xiaoqiang Luo, Radu Florian and Todd Ward | Improving Coreference Resolution by Using Conversational Metadata |
P16-2 | Yong Zhao and Xiaodong He | Using N-gram based Features for Machine Translation System Combination |
P17-2 | Zheng Chen and Heng Ji | Language Specific Issue and Feature Exploration in Chinese Event Extraction |
P18-2 | Zhongqiang Huang, Vladimir Eidelman and Mary Harper | Improving A Simple Bigram HMM Part-of-Speech Tagger by Latent Annotation and Self-Training |
Student Research Workshop Posters
S1-1 | Jaime Acosta | Using Emotion to Gain Rapport in a Spoken Dialog System |
S2-1 | Shilpa Arora and Eric Nyberg | Interactive Annotation Learning with Indirect Feature Voting |
S3-1 | Kedar Bellare, Koby Crammer and Dayne Freitag | Loss-Sensitive Discriminative Training of Machine Translitera- tion Models |
S4-1 | Mahdy Khayyamian, Seyed Abolghasem Mirroshandel and Hassan Abolhassani | Syntactic Tree-based Relation Extraction Using a Generalization of Collins and Duffy Convolution Tree Kernel |
S5-1 | Elena Lloret, Alexandra Balahur, Manuel Palomar and Andres Montoyo | Towards Building a Competitive Opinion Summarization System: Challenges and Keys |
S7-1 | Thade Nahnsen | Domain-Independent Shallow Sentence Ordering |
S8-1 | Nicole Novielli and Carlo Strapparava | Towards Unsupervised Recognition of Dialogue Acts |
S9-1 | Taraka Rama, Anil Kumar Singh and Sudheer Kolachina | Modeling Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion as a Phrase Based Statistical Machine Translation Problem with Minimum Error Rate Training |
S10-1 | Stephen Tratz and Dirk Hovy | Disambiguation of Preposition Sense Using Linguistically Motivated Features |
S1-2 | Smita Vemulapalli, Xiaoqiang Luo, John F. Pitrelli and Imed Zitouni | Classifer Combination Techniques Applied to Coreference Resolution |
S2-2 | Jian Huang, Sarah M. Taylor, Jonathan L. Smith, Konstantinos A. Fotiadis and C. Lee Giles | Solving the Who’s Mark Johnson Puzzle: Information Extraction Based Cross Document Coreference |
S3-2 | Manuel Kirschner and Raffaella Bernardi | Exploring Topic Continuation Follow-up Questions using Machine Learning |
S4-2 | Karthik Gali and Sriram Venkatapathy | Sentence Realisation from Bag of Words with Dependency with Dependency Constraints |
S7-2 | Dmitriy Dligach and Martha Palmer | Using Language Modeling to Select Useful Annotation Data |
S8-2 | Adriane Boyd | Pronunciation Modeling in Spelling Correction for Writers of English as a Foreign Language |
S9-2 | Ting Qian, Benjamin Van Durme and Lenhart Schubert | Building a Semantic Lexicon of English Nouns via Bootstrapping |
S10-2 | Aditya Bhargava and Grzegorz Kondrak | Multiple Word Alignment with Profile Hidden Markov Models |