NAACL HLT 2010 Call for Demonstrations
  • Download the Call for Demonstrations in PDF.
  • Download the Call for Demonstrations in plaintext.

The NAACL HLT 2010 Program Committee invites proposals for Demonstrations. We encourage both the exhibition of early research prototypes and mature systems. Accepted demos will first be presented in a plenary “Demo Madness” session where each demo presenter will have the opportunity to give an informative (potentially humorous) one-minute sound byte about their demo. Demos will then be presented on table tops at a designated demo session (with an optional accompanying poster.)

Areas of Interest

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following types of systems.

Technology for supporting research and development:

  • Visualization
  • Error analysis tools
  • Software for evaluating natural language processing systems
  • Text mining (e.g., knowledge acquisition, educational datamining, medical informatics, etc.)
  • Architectures, tool kits, and reusable components

Technology for supporting education in or with language technologies:

  • Aids for teaching computational linguistics concepts
  • Second language learning environments
  • Tutorial dialogue agents
  • Text and speech mining for educational assessment

End-to-end systems:

  • Mobile applications of NLP
  • Text or speech based information access systems
  • Applications using embedded language technologies
  • Translation systems
  • Conversational interfaces
  • Meeting capture and analysis
  • Assistive technologies
  • Technology for development
Format for Submission

Please use the main ACL paper style ( The entire proposal must not be more than four pages. Please note that no hardware or software will be provided by the local organizer. Demo proposals consist of the following parts:

  • An extended abstract of the technical content to be demonstrated, including title, authors, full contact information, references, and acknowledgements.
  • A "script outline" of the demo presentation, including accompanying narrative, and either a Web address for accessing the demo or visual aids (e.g., screenshots, snapshots, or diagrams).

Submissions Procedure

Proposals must be submitted electronically by February 9, 2009 using submission software that will be available at

Further Details

Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their relevance to computational linguistics, innovation, scientific contribution, presentation, as well as potential logistical constraints. Accepted submissions will be allocated four pages in the Companion Volume to the Proceedings of the Conference.

Further details on the date, time, and format of the demonstration session(s) will be determined and provided at a later date. Please send any inquiries to the demonstration chair at .

Important Dates
  • February 9, 2010: Submission deadline
  • March 27, 2010: Notification of acceptance
  • April 6, 2010: Submission of camera ready copies of materials for the proceedings
  • June 1-6, 2010: Conference

All submissions or camera-ready copies of materials are due by 11:59pm PST on the dates specified above.