Paper Submissions
Submission will be electronic, using the START paper submission webpage:
The only accepted formats for submitted papers are Adobe PDF and
PostScript. The papers must be submitted no later than April 17, 2007
(24:00pm GMT-7). Papers submitted after that time might not be
reviewed. Note that in the webpage you will be asked to choose between
two types of submission: *task description* paper and *system
description* paper. Please, choose accordingly.
Submissions should follow the regular format of ACL proceedings, with
the following three exceptions:
- Paper reviewing will not be blind, so you can include authors'
names, affiliations and references in the submitted paper.
- Page limits:
- System description papers (task participants): 4 pages for the
first system and 2 extra pages for each additional task, up to a
maximum of 8 pages
- Task description papers (task organizers): 6 pages
- Paper titles:
- System description papers (task participants): the title
should start with the team ID followed by ":" (e.g "UBC-ALMB:
WSD using ...")
- Task description papers (task organizers): the title should
start with "SemEval-2007 Task " and, ideally, be
followed by the same name you used so far for your task (e.g.,
"SemEval-2007 Task 09: Multilevel Semantic Annotation of Catalan
and Spanish").
You may find ACL style files at the following URL:
If you think that your situation is exceptional in any way, contact
SemEval-2007 organizers as soon as possible ( ).
Recall the upcoming deadlines regarding paper preparation:
- System description papers due: April 17, 2007
- Paper reviews due: April 27, 2007
- Camera-ready papers: May 6, 2007
Since we are running under a very tight schedule, all the above are
hard deadlines. We cannot assure that papers failing to meet the
deadlines or not conforming to the ACL styles can be reviewed and
included in the SemEval-2007 proceedings.