Program, talks, and posters
The following is a list of the accepted papers.
The list of accepted posters will be posted at a later date.
The actual program for the day of the workshop will be posted when it has been determined.
Recognising nested named entities in biomedical text
Beatrice Alex, Barry Haddow, and Claire Grover
From indexing the biomedical literature to coding clinical text: experience with MTI and machine learning approaches
Alan R. Aronson, Olivier Bodenreider, Dina Demner-Fushman, Kin Wah Fung, Vivian K. Lee, James G. Mork, Aurelie Neveol, Lee Peters, and Willie J. Rogers
ConText: an algorithm for identifying contextual features from text
Wendy Chapman, John Dowling, and David Chu
Annotation of chemical named entities
Peter Corbett, Colin Batchelor, and Simone Teufel
The role of roles in classifying annotated biomedical text
Son Doan, Ai Kawazoe, and Nigel Collier
Mining a lexicon of technical terms and lay equivalents
Noemie Elhadad and Komal Sutaria
Exploring the efficacy of caption search for bioscience journal search interfaces
Marti Hearst, Anna Divoli, Michael Wooldridge, and Jerry Ye
An unsupervised method for extracting domain-specific affixes in biological literature
Haibin Liu, Christian Blouin, and Vlado Keselj
BioNoculars: extracting protein-protein interactions from biomedical text
Amgad Madkour, Kareem Darwish, Hany Hassan, Ahmed Hassan, and Ossama Emam
Determining the syntactic structure of medical terms in clinical notes
Bridget McInnes, Ted Pedersen, and Serguei Pakhomov
A shared task involving multi-label classification of clinical free text
John P. Pestian, Chris Brew, Pawel Matykiewicz, DJ Hovermale, Neil Johnson, K. Bretonnel Cohen, and Wlodzislaw Duch
On the unification of syntactic annotations under the Stanford dependency format: a case study on BioInfer and GENIA
Sampo Pyysalo, Filip Ginter, Veronika Laippala, Katri Haverinen, Juho Heimonen, and Tapio Salakoski
Syntactic complexity measures for detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment
Brian Roark, Margaret Mitchell, and Kristy Hollingshead
Combining multiple evidence for gene symbol disambiguation
Hua Xu, Jen-Wei Fan, and Carol Friedman