First Call for Papers for EMNLP-CoNLL 2012
Joint meeting of
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning
Jeju Island, Korea
July 12-14, immediately after ACL 2012
SIGDAT (the ACL Special Interest Group on Linguistic Data and Corpus-based Approaches to NLP)
and SIGNLL (the ACL Special Interest Group on Natural Language Learning) invite submissions to EMNLP-CoNLL 2012. The conference will be held July 12-14, 2012, at the International Convention Center on Jeju Island, Korea, immediately following ACL 2012. |
Important Dates |
• March 28, 2012: Paper submission deadline
• May 1-4, 2012: Author response period
• May 18, 2012: Acceptance notification
• June 3, 2012: Camera ready papers due
• July 12-14, 2012: EMNLP-CoNLL conference
All deadlines refer to 23:59 PST (UTC/GMT-8 hours; Los Angeles time zone) |
Topics |
We solicit papers on all areas that may be of interest to the SIGDAT and
SIGNLL communities, including but not limited to:
Phonology and morphology, tagging and chunking, segmentation
• Syntax and parsing
• Semantics
• Discourse, dialog, and pragmatics
• Summarization and generation
• Machine translation
• Information retrieval and question answering
• Information extraction
• Spoken language processing
• Text mining and natural language processing applications
• Multilinguality
• Sentiment analysis and opinion mining
• Models of language in social context
• NLP for the Web
• Computational models of human language acquisition
• Supervised, unsupervised and semi-supervised machine learningmethods applied to natural language, including speech
• Statistical methods (Bayesian learning, graphical models, kernelmethods, statistical models for structured problems)
• Symbolic learning methods (rule induction and decision treelearning, lazy learning, inductive logic programming, analyticallearning, transformation-based error-driven learning)
• Biologically-inspired methods (Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computing)
• Reinforcement learning, active learning
• Learning architectures for structural and relational NLP tasks
• Computational models of language evolution and historical change
• Computational learning theory analysis of language learning
• Empirical and theoretical comparisons of language learningmethods, including novel evaluation methods
• Models of induction and analogy in linguistics |
Submissions |
Submissions should describe original, unpublished work. Papers presentedat EMNLP-CoNLL should mainly contain new material that has not been presentedat any other meeting with publicly available proceedings. Papers thathave been or will be submitted to other meetings or publications mustdisclose this information at submission time. Please list all othermeetings where the paper has been submitted in the "other submissions"field on the submission site.
Each submission consists of a paper of up to nine (9) pages of contentand any number of additional pages containing references only, togetherwith optional supplementary material as described below. The papermust conform to the official ACL 2012 style guidelines. Please usethe official ACL 2012 style filesfor the paper. We reserve the right to reject submissions if the paperdoes not conform to these styles, including letter size and font sizerestrictions.
Since reviewing will be blind, the submission should not include theauthors' names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references thatreveal the author's identity, e.g., "We previously showed (Smith, 1991)...", should be avoided. Instead, use citations such as "Smith (1991)previously showed ...". Submissions that do not conform to theserequirements will be rejected without review. Separate authoridentification information is required as part of the on-line submissionprocess.
The *supplementary material* should be supplementary (rather thancentral) to the paper. It may include explanations or details of proofsor derivations that do not fit into the paper, lists of features orfeature templates, sample inputs and outputs for a system, pseudo-codeor source code, and data. Any information that is critical tounderstanding the paper should be included within the paper itself.While the paper may refer to and cite the supplementary material and thesupplementary material will be available to reviewers, they will not beasked to review or even download the supplementary material.
Submission and reviewing will be on-line, managed by the START system.The only accepted format for submitted papers is PDF. Thesupplementary material must be in the form of a single .zip or a .tgzarchive file with a maximum size of 10MB; otherwise there are noconstraints on its format. Submissions, together with all supplementarymaterial, must be uploaded onto the START system by the submissiondeadlines; submissions submitted after that time will not be reviewed.To minimize network congestion we request authors upload theirsubmissions as early as possible (especially if they contain largesupplementary material files).
Authors of accepted submissions are to produce a final paper to bepublished in the proceedings of the conference. Final papers must followthe same style and length requirements as submitted papers. If anaccepted submission has also been submitted elsewhere, the contactauthor must promptly inform the program co-chairs whether he or sheintends the accepted paper to be included in EMNLP-CoNLL, and if so mustwithdraw the paper from other meetings or publications. At least oneauthor must register for the conference and present the paper. Paperswill be presented orally or as a poster presentation, as determined bythe program committee. The decisions as to which papers will bepresented orally and which as poster presentations will be based on the
nature rather than on the quality of the work, and there will be nodistinction between them in the proceedings. |
Committee |
General Chair:
• Jun'ichiTsujii, Microsoft Research Asia
Program Co-Chairs:
• James Henderson, University of Geneva
• Marius Pasca, Google
Publication Chair:
• Naoaki Okazaki, University of Tohoku
Contact email: emnlp-conll2012 at unige dot ch
Shared Task: |
Modeling Multilingual Unrestricted Coreference in OntoNotes
EMNLP-CoNLL 2012 will continue the CoNLL tradition of having the highestprofile shared task in the NLP world. This year's task will beautomatic anaphoric mention detection and coreference resolution usingthe English, Chinese and Arabic language portions of the OntoNotes 5.0data given predicted information on the other layers.
The shared task is described in its own Call for Participation athttp://aclweb.org/portal/content/conll-2012-shared-task. For detailedinformation and submissions, please see the shared task web page athttp://conll.cemantix.org/2012. Questions about the CoNLL-2012 sharedtask can be sent to conll-2012-st at cemantix dot org.
In order to receive future calls and other information about the sharedtask, participants should register their intent to participate, ineither or both of the two tracks, by sending an e-mail toconll-2012-st at cemantix dot org. Although the deadline for registration isnot until January 22, 2012, we recommend participants to register asearly as possible, in order not to miss any information.
Shared Task Important Dates |
• December 28, 2011: Registration begins
• January 22, 2012: Trial data available
• February 10, 2012: Registration deadline
• February 19, 2012: Training and development set available
• April 22, 2012: Test set available
• April 26, 2012: System outputs collected
• April 29, 2012: System results due to participants
• May 6, 2012: System papers due
• May 15, 2012: Reviews back to authors
• May 22, 2012: Camera ready papers due
• July 12-14, 2012: EMNLP-CoNLL conference
Shared Task Organizers |
• Sameer Pradhan (Chair), Raytheon BBN Technologies
• Alessandro Moschitti, University of Trento
• NianwenXue, Brandeis University
• Advisory Committee: Mitchell Marcus, University of Pennsylvania; Martha Palmer, University of Colorado;
Lance Ramshaw, Raytheon BBNTechnologies; Ralph Weischedel, Raytheon BBN Technologies. |
SIGs |
See http://www.sigdat.org/ for more information about SIGDAT, and see
http://ifarm.nl/signll/ for more information about SIGNLL.
Read more: http://aclweb.org/portal/content/emnlp-conll-2012