A proper submission comprises four elements described below in greater detail: a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a short paper, and a letter of recommendation from the student's advisor.
The student should send email by Jan 18, 2007 to
with the following three attachments in PDF format:
A cover letter (under 2-pages) describing the student's progress in his or her degree program, expected date of graduation, plans after graduation, and what he or she hopes to gain from the Doctoral Consortium. The letter should contain the student's name, department, school, contact information, name of advisor, advisor's e-mail address, and a short statement affirming that the student meets the eligibility requirements specified in Section 2 of this Call for Participation.
The student's Curriculum Vitae (including a list of publications).
A short paper written by the student summarizing his or her research goals, completed work, and future directions. This paper should be the basis for the student's presentation at the Doctoral Consortium event, and it should give an overview of the student's research and highlight his or her major contributions.
The student's advisor should send email by Jan 18, 2007 to
with an attached letter of recommendation in PDF format.
The short paper should follow the format of "short papers" submitted to the main NAACL-HLT 2007 conference. This format is briefly described here and is fully specified in the example files that this page links to. We reserve the right to reject submissions that do not conform to these guidelines, including font size restrictions. Submissions should be in PDF format and must include all fonts, so that the paper will print (not just view) anywhere. Submissions must adhere the two-column format of NAACL/ACL proceedings (11pt Times-Roman font) and should not exceed four (4) pages, including references and illustrations. Exceptions to the two-column format include the title, authors' names and complete addresses, which must be centered at the top of the first page, and any full-width figures or tables. We strongly recommend the use of ACL LaTeX or Microsoft Word style files tailored for this year's conference. For those unable to directly use the style files provided on this page, please refer to the detailed format descriptions found in the PDF, PS, or Word example files.
Last Modified: Wednesday, 28-Feb-2007 16:31:22 EST