Training MRF-Based Phrase Translation Models using Gradient Ascent
Jianfeng Gao and Xiaodong He
This paper presents a general, statistical framework for modeling phrase
translation via Markov random fields. The model allows for arbituary features
extracted from a phrase pair to be incorporated as evidence. The parameters of
the model are estimated using a large-scale discriminative training approach
that is based on stochastic gradient ascent and an N-best list based expected
BLEU as the objective function. The model is easy to be incoporated into a
standard phrase-based statistical machine translation system, requiring no code
change in the runtime engine. Evaluation is performed on two Europarl
translation tasks, German-English and French-English. Results show that
incoporating the Markov random field model significantly improves the
performance of a state-of-the-art phrase-based machine translation system,
leading to a gain of 0.8-1.3 BLEU points.
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