A Participant-based Approach for Event Summarization Using Twitter Streams
Chao Shen, Fei Liu, Fuliang Weng and Tao Li
Twitter offers an unprecedented advantage on live reporting of the events
happening around the world. However, summarizing the Twitter event has been a
challenging task that was not fully explored in the past. In this paper, we
propose a participant-based event summarization approach that "zooms-in" the
Twitter event streams to the participant level, detects the important
sub-events associated with each participant using a novel mixture model that
combines the "burstiness" and "cohesiveness" properties of the event tweets,
and generates the event summaries progressively. We evaluate the proposed
approach on different event types. Results show that the participant-based
approach can effectively capture the sub-events that have otherwise been
shadowed by the long-tail of other dominant sub-events, yielding summaries with
considerably better coverage than the state-of-the-art.
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