Accepted papers

This is just a list of the accepted papers. If you want to read them, please visit the ACL Anthology, and if you want to listen to the talks or talk with the authors, please see the detailed program.

List of Accepted Long Papers

  • A Generative Model for User Simulation in a Spatial Navigation Domain
    Aciel Eshky, Ben Allison, Subramanian Ramamoorthy and Mark Steedman

  • A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Unsupervised Induction of Script Knowledge
    Lea Frermann, Ivan Titov and Manfred Pinkal

  • A Joint Model for Quotation Attribution and Coreference Resolution
    Mariana S. C. Almeida, Miguel B. Almeida and André F. T. Martins

  • A Knowledge-based Representation for Cross-Language Document Retrieval and Categorization
    Marc Franco-Salvador, Paolo Rosso and Roberto Navigli

  • A Latent Variable Model for Discourse-Aware Concept and Entity Disambiguation
    Angela Fahrni and Michael Strube

  • A Summariser based on Human Memory Limitations and Lexical Competition
    Yimai Fang and Simone Teufel

  • About Inferences in a Crowdsourced Lexical-Semantic Network
    Mathieu Lafourcade, Manel Zarrouk and Alain Joubert

  • Acquisition of Noncontiguous Class Attributes from Web Search Queries
    Marius Pasca

  • Applying the Semantics of Negation to SMT Through n-best List Re-ranking
    Federico Fancellu and Bonnie Webber

  • Assessing the Relative Reading Level of Sentence Pairs for Text Simplification
    Sowmya Vajjala and Detmar Meurers

  • Augmenting Translation Models with Simulated Acoustic Confusions for Improved Spoken Language Translation
    Yulia Tsvetkov, Florian Metze and Chris Dyer

  • Automated Verb Sense Labelling Based on Linked Lexical Resources
    Kostadin Cholakov, Judith Eckle-Kohler and Iryna Gurevych

  • Automatic Food Categorization from Large Unlabeled Corpora and Its Impact on Relation Extraction
    Michael Wiegand, Benjamin Roth and Dietrich Klakow

  • Bilingual Sentiment Consistency for Statistical Machine Translation
    Boxing Chen and Xiaodan Zhu

  • Classifying Temporal Relations with Simple Features
    Paramita Mirza and Sara Tonelli

  • Cluster-based Prediction of User Ratings for Stylistic Surface Realisation
    Nina Dethlefs, Heriberto Cuayáhuitl, Helen Hastie, Verena Rieser and Oliver Lemon

  • Correcting Grammatical Verb Errors
    Alla Rozovskaya, Dan Roth and Vivek Srikumar

  • Dependency Tree Abstraction for Long-Distance Reordering in Statistical Machine Translation
    Chenchen Ding and Yuki Arase

  • Deterministic Parsing using PCFGs
    Mark-Jan Nederhof and Martin McCaffery

  • Discovering Implicit Discourse Relations Through Brown Cluster Pair Representation and Coreference Patterns
    Attapol Rutherford and Nianwen Xue

  • Discriminating Rhetorical Analogies in Social Media
    Christoph Lofi, Christian Nieke and Nigel Collier

  • Distributional Lexical Entailment by Topic Coherence
    Laura Rimell

  • Dynamic Topic Adaptation for Phrase-Based MT
    Eva Hasler, Phil Blunsom, Philipp Koehn and Barry Haddow

  • Empirically-motivated Generalizations of CCG Semantic Parsing Learning Algorithms
    Jesse Glass and Alexander Yates

  • Encoding Semantic Resources in Syntactic Structures for Passage Reranking
    Kateryna Tymoshenko, Alessandro Moschitti and Aliaksei Severyn

  • Fast Recursive Multi-class Classification of Pairs of Text Entities for Biomedical Event Extraction
    Xiao Liu, Antoine Bordes and Yves Grandvalet

  • Fast Statistical Parsing with Parallel Multiple Context-Free Grammars
    Krasimir Angelov and Peter Ljunglöf

  • Frame Semantic Tree Kernels for Social Network Extraction from Text
    Apoorv Agarwal, Sriramkumar Balasubramanian, Anup Kotalwar, Jiehan Zheng and Owen Rambow

  • Generalizing a Strongly Lexicalized Parser using Unlabeled Data
    Tejaswini Deoskar, Christos Christodoulopoulos, Alexandra Birch and Mark Steedman

  • How to Produce Unseen Teddy Bears: Improved Morphological Processing of Compounds in SMT
    Fabienne Cap, Alexander Fraser, Marion Weller and Aoife Cahill

  • Hybrid Text Simplification using Synchronous Dependency Grammars with Hand-written and Automatically Harvested Rules
    Advaith Siddharthan and Angrosh Mandya

  • Identifying Fake Amazon Reviews as Learning from Crowds
    Tommaso Fornaciari and Massimo Poesio

  • Improving Distributional Semantic Vectors through Context Selection and Normalisation
    Tamara Polajnar and Stephen Clark

  • Improving the Estimation of Word Importance for News Multi-Document Summarization
    Kai Hong and Ani Nenkova

  • Improving the Lexical Function Composition Model with Pathwise Optimized Elastic-Net Regression
    Jiming Li, Marco Baroni and Georgiana Dinu

  • Improving Vector Space Word Representations Using Multilingual Correlation
    Manaal Faruqui and Chris Dyer

  • Improving Word Alignment Using Linguistic Code Switching Data
    Fei Huang and Alexander Yates

  • Incremental Bayesian Learning of Semantic Categories
    Lea Frermann and Mirella Lapata

  • Incremental Query Generation
    Laura Perez-Beltrachini, Claire Gardent and Enrico Franconi

  • Inducing Example-based Semantic Frames from a Massive Amount of Verb Uses
    Daisuke Kawahara, Daniel Peterson, Octavian Popescu and Martha Palmer

  • Information Structure Prediction for Visual-world Referring Expressions
    Micha Elsner, Hannah Rohde and Alasdair Clarke

  • Is Machine Translation Getting Better over Time?
    Yvette Graham, Timothy Baldwin, Alistair Moffat and Justin Zobel

  • Iterative Constrained Clustering for Subjectivity Word Sense Disambiguation
    Cem Akkaya, Janyce Wiebe and Rada Mihalcea

  • Learning Dictionaries for Named Entity Recognition using Minimal Supervision
    Arvind Neelakantan and Michael Collins

  • Learning from Post-Editing: Online Model Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation
    Michael Denkowski, Chris Dyer and Alon Lavie

  • Learning Part-of-Speech Taggers with Inter-Annotator Agreement Loss
    Barbara Plank, Dirk Hovy and Anders Søgaard

  • Leveraging Verb-Argument Structures to infer Semantic Relations
    Eduardo Blanco and Dan Moldovan

  • Machine Reading Tea Leaves: Automatically Evaluating Topic Coherence and Topic Model Quality
    Jey Han Lau, David Newman and Timothy Baldwin

  • Mapping Dialectal Variation by Querying Social Media
    Gabriel Doyle

  • Maximizing Component Quality in Bilingual Word-Aligned Segmentations
    Spyros Martzoukos, Christof Monz and Christophe Costa Florencio

  • Minimum Translation Modeling with Recurrent Neural Networks
    Yuening Hu, Michael Auli, Qin Gao and Jianfeng Gao

  • Modeling the Use of Graffiti Style Features to Signal Social Relations within a Multi-Domain Learning Paradigm
    Mario Piergallini, A. Seza Doḡruöz, Phani Gadde, David Adamson and Carolyn Rose

  • Modelling the Lexicon in Unsupervised Part of Speech Induction
    Gregory Dubbin and Phil Blunsom

  • Multi-Granular Aspect Aggregation in Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
    John Pavlopoulos and Ion Androutsopoulos

  • PARADIGM: Paraphrase Diagnostics through Grammar Matching
    Jonathan Weese, Juri Ganitkevitch and Chris Callison-Burch

  • Predicting and Characterising User Impact on Twitter
    Vasileios Lampos, Nikolaos Aletras, Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro and Trevor Cohn

  • Redundancy Detection in ESL Writings
    Huichao Xue and Rebecca Hwa

  • Regularized Structured Perceptron: A Case Study on Chinese Word Segmentation, POS Tagging and Parsing
    Kaixu Zhang, Jinsong Su and Changle Zhou

  • Semi-supervised Learning of Morphological Paradigms and Lexicons
    Malin Ahlberg, Markus Forsberg and Måns Huldén

  • Sentiment Propagation via Implicature Constraints
    Lingjia Deng and Janyce Wiebe

  • Simple, Robust and (almost) Unsupervised Generation of Polarity Lexicons for Multiple Languages
    Iñaki San Vicente, Rodrigo Agerri and German Rigau

  • Source-side Preordering for Translation using Logistic Regression and Depth-first Branch-and-Bound Search
    Laura Jehl, Adrià de Gispert, Mark Hopkins and Bill Byrne

  • Special Techniques for Constituent Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages
    Zsolt Szántó and Richárd Farkas

  • Statistical Script Learning with Multi-Argument Events
    Karl Pichotta and Raymond Mooney

  • Structured and Unstructured Cache Models for SMT Domain Adaptation
    Annie Louis and Bonnie Webber

  • Subcategorisation Acquisition from Raw Text for a Free Word-Order Language
    Will Roberts, Markus Egg and Valia Kordoni

  • Topical PageRank: A Model of Scientific Expertise for Bibliographic Search
    James Jardine and Simone Teufel

  • Translation Memory Retrieval Methods
    Michael Bloodgood and Benjamin Strauss

  • Type-Supervised Domain Adaptation for Joint Segmentation and POS-Tagging
    Meishan Zhang, Yue Zhang, Wanxiang Che and Ting Liu

  • Undirected Machine Translation with Discriminative Reinforcement Learning
    Andrea Gesmundo and James Henderson

  • Using Distributional Similarity of Multi-way Translations to Predict Multiword Expression Compositionality
    Bahar Salehi, Paul Cook and Timothy Baldwin

  • Using Idiolects and Sociolects to Improve Word Prediction
    Wessel Stoop and Antal van den Bosch

  • Verbose, Laconic or Just Right: A Simple Computational Model of Content Appropriateness under Length Constraints
    Annie Louis and Ani Nenkova

  • Weighted Krippendorff's Alpha is a More Reliable Metrics for Multi-coders Ordinal Annotations: Experimental Studies on Emotion, Opinion and Coreference Annotation
    Jean-Yves Antoine, Jeanne Villaneau and Anaïs Lefeuvre

  • What Substitutes Tell Us - Analysis of an "All-Words" Lexical Substitution Corpus
    Gerhard Kremer, Katrin Erk, Sebastian Padó and Stefan Thater

  • Word Embeddings through Hellinger PCA
    Rémi Lebret and Ronan Collobert

  • Word Ordering with Phrase-Based Grammars
    Adrià de Gispert, Marcus Tomalin and Bill Byrne

  • “I Object!” Modeling Latent Pragmatic Effects in Courtroom Dialogues
    Dan Goldwasser and Hal Daumé III

List of Accepted Short Papers

  • A New Entity Salience Task with Millions of Training Examples
    Jesse Dunietz and Daniel Gillick

  • A Probabilistic Approach to Persian Ezafe Recognition
    Habibollah Asghari, Heshaam Faili and Jalal Maleki

  • A Vague Sense Classifier for Detecting Vague Definitions in Ontologies
    Panos Alexopoulos and John Pavlopoulos

  • Accelerated Estimation of Conditional Random Fields using a Pseudo-Likelihood-inspired Perceptron Variant
    Teemu Ruokolainen, Miikka Silfverberg, Mikko Kurimo and Krister Lindén

  • Acquiring a Dictionary of Emotion-Provoking Events
    Hoa Trong Vu, Graham Neubig, Sakriani Sakti, Tomoki Toda and Satoshi Nakamura

  • Active Learning for Post-Editing Based Incrementally Retrained MT
    Aswarth Abhilash Dara, Josef van Genabith, Qun Liu, John Judge and Antonio Toral

  • Analysis and Prediction of Unalignable Words in Parallel Text
    Frances Yung, Kevin Duh and Yuji Matsumoto

  • Automatic Selection of Reference Pages in Wikipedia for Improving Targeted Entities Disambiguation
    Takuya Makino

  • Bayesian Word Alignment for Massively Parallel Texts
    Robert Östling

  • Chasing Hypernyms in Vector Spaces with Entropy
    Enrico Santus, Alessandro Lenci, Qin Lu and Sabine Schulte im Walde

  • Chinese Native Language Identification
    Shervin Malmasi and Mark Dras

  • Chinese Open Relation Extraction for Knowledge Acquisition
    Yuen-Hsien Tseng, Lung-Hao Lee, Shu-Yen Lin, Bo-Shun Liao, Mei-Jun Liu, Hsin-Hsi Chen, Oren Etzioni and Anthony Fader

  • Chinese Temporal Tagging with HeidelTime
    Hui Li, Jannik Strötgen, Julian Zell and Michael Gertz

  • Comparing Methods for Deriving Intensity Scores for Adjectives
    Josef Ruppenhofer, Michael Wiegand and Jasper Brandes

  • Converting Russian Dependency Treebank to Stanford Typed Dependencies Representation
    Janna Lipenkova and Milan Souček

  • Coreference Resolution Evaluation for Higher Level Applications
    Don Tuggener

  • Crowdsourcing Annotation of Non-Local Semantic Roles
    Parvin Sadat Feizabadi and Sebastian Padó

  • Data Driven Language Transfer Hypotheses
    Ben Swanson and Eugene Charniak

  • Deterministic Word Segmentation Using Maximum Matching with Fully Lexicalized Rules
    Manabu Sassano

  • Easy Web Search Results Clustering: When Baselines Can Reach State-of-the-Art Algorithms
    Jose G. Moreno and Gaël Dias

  • Efficient Online Summarization of Microblogging Streams
    Andrei Olariu

  • Enhancing Authorship Attribution By Utilizing Syntax Tree Profiles
    Michael Tschuggnall and Günther Specht

  • Fast and Accurate Unlexicalized Parsing via Structural Annotations
    Maximilian Schlund, Michael Luttenberger and Javier Esparza

  • Finding Middle Ground? Multi-objective Natural Language Generation from Time-series Data
    Dimitra Gkatzia, Helen Hastie and Oliver Lemon

  • Improving Dependency Parsers using Combinatory Categorial Grammar
    Bharat Ram Ambati, Tejaswini Deoskar and Mark Steedman

  • Improving Dependency Parsers with Supertags
    Hiroki Ouchi, Kevin Duh and Yuji Matsumoto

  • Inference of Phrase-Based Translation Models via Minimum Description Length
    Jesús González-Rubio and Francisco Casacuberta

  • Integrating an Unsupervised Transliteration Model into Statistical Machine Translation
    Nadir Durrani, Hassan Sajjad, Hieu Hoang and Philipp Koehn

  • Lightly-Supervised Word Sense Translation Error Detection for an Interactive Conversational Spoken Language Translation System
    Dennis Mehay, Sankaranarayanan Ananthakrishnan and Sanjika Hewavitharana

  • Map Translation Using Geo-tagged Social Media
    Sunyou Lee, Taesung Lee and Seung-won Hwang

  • Measuring the Similarity between Automatically Generated Topics
    Nikolaos Aletras and Mark Stevenson

  • Multi-Domain Sentiment Relevance Classification with Automatic Representation Learning
    Christian Scheible and Hinrich Schütze

  • Non-Monotonic Parsing of Fluent Umm I mean Disfluent Sentences
    Mohammad Sadegh Rasooli and Joel Tetreault

  • One Sense per Tweeter ... and Other Lexical Semantic Tales of Twitter
    Spandana Gella, Paul Cook and Timothy Baldwin

  • Painless Semi-Supervised Morphological Segmentation using Conditional Random Fields
    Teemu Ruokolainen, Oskar Kohonen, Sami Virpioja and Mikko Kurimo

  • Passive-Aggressive Sequence Labeling with Discriminative Post-Editing for Recognising Person Entities in Tweets
    Leon Derczynski and Kalina Bontcheva

  • Predicting Romanian Stress Assignment
    Alina Maria Ciobanu, anca dinu and Liviu Dinu

  • Projecting the Knowledge Graph to Syntactic Parsing
    Andrea Gesmundo and Keith Hall

  • Simple and Effective Approach for Consistent Training of Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation Models
    Stephan Peitz, David Vilar and Hermann Ney

  • Some Experiments with a Convex IBM Model 2
    Andrei Simion, Michael Collins and Cliff Stein

  • Temporal Ontology for Sentence Temporal Classification
    Gaël Dias, Mohammed Hasanuzzaman, Stéphane Ferrari and Yann Mathet

  • Temporal Text Ranking and Automatic Dating of Texts
    Vlad Niculae, Marcos Zampieri, Liviu Dinu and Alina Maria Ciobanu

  • Tight Integration of Speech Disfluency Removal into SMT
    Eunah Cho, Jan Niehues and Alex Waibel

  • Unsupervised Parsing for Generating Surface-Based Relation Extraction Patterns
    Jens Illig, Benjamin Roth and Dietrich Klakow

  • Using a Random Forest Classifier to Compile Bilingual Dictionaries of Technical Terms from Comparable Corpora
    Georgios Kontonatsios, Ioannis Korkontzelos, Jun'ichi Tsujii and Sophia Ananiadou

  • Zero Subject Detection for Polish
    Mateusz Kopeć

Student Research Workshop

Research Papers

  • A Graph-Based Approach to String Regeneration
    Matic Horvat and William Byrne

  • Automatic Creation of Arabic Named Entity Annotated Corpus Using Wikipedia
    Maha Althobaiti, Udo Kruschwitz and Massimo Poesio

  • Complexity of Word Collocation Networks: A Preliminary Structural Analysis
    Shibamouli Lahiri

  • Generating Artificial Errors for Grammatical Error Correction
    Mariano Felice and Zheng Yuan

  • Modelling Unexpectedness for Irony Detection in Twitter
    Francesco Barbieri and Horacio Saggion

  • Multi-class Animacy Classification with Semantic Features
    Johannes Bjerva

  • Resolving Coreferent and Associative Noun Phrases in Scientific Text
    Ina Roesiger and Simone Teufel

  • Using Minimal Recursion Semantics for Entailment Recognition
    Elisabeth Lien

Thesis Proposals

  • Now We Stronger than Ever: African-American English Syntax in Twitter
    Ian Stewart

  • Enhancing Named Entity Recognition with Features Derived from Unsupervised Methods
    Maria Skeppstedt

  • Expanding the Range of Automatic Emotion Detection in Text
    Jasy Suet Yan Liew

  • Literature-Based Discovery for Oceanographic Climate Science
    Elias Aamot

  • Unsupervised Relation Extraction of In-Domain Data from Focused Crawls
    Steffen Remus

Software Demonstrations

  • Semantic Annotation, Analysis and Comparison: A Multilingual and Cross-lingual Text Analytics Toolkit
    Lei Zhang and Achim Rettinger

  • RDRPOSTagger: A Ripple Down Rules-based Part-Of-Speech Tagger
    Dat Quoc Nguyen, Dai Quoc Nguyen, Dang Duc Pham and Son Bao Pham

  • Jane: Open Source Machine Translation System Combination
    Markus Freitag, Matthias Huck and Hermann Ney

  • CHISPA on the GO: A Mobile Chinese-Spanish Translation Service for Travellers in Trouble
    Jordi Centelles, Marta R. Costa-jussà and Rafael E. Banchs

  • The GATE Crowdsourcing Plugin: Crowdsourcing Annotated Corpora Made Easy
    Kalina Bontcheva, Ian Roberts, Leon Derczynski and Dominic Rout

  • Morfessor 2.0: Toolkit for Statistical Morphological Segmentation
    Peter Smit, Sami Virpioja, Stig-Arne Grönroos and Mikko Kurimo

  • Multilingual, Efficient and Easy NLP Processing with IXA Pipeline
    Rodrigo Agerri, Josu Bermudez and German Rigau

  • A Graphical Interface for Automatic Error Mining in Corpora
    Gregor Thiele, Wolfgang Seeker, Markus Gärtner, Anders Björkelund, and Jonas Kuhn

  • ITU Turkish NLP Web Service
    Gülşen Eryiğit

  • Safe In-vehicle Dialogue Using Learned Predictions of User Utterances
    Staffan Larsson, Fredrik Kronlid and Pontus Wärnestål

  • DKIE: Open Source Information Extraction for Danish
    Leon Derczynski, Camilla Vilhelmsen Field and Kenneth S. Bøgh

  • Anaphora – Clause Annotation and Alignment Tool.
    Borislav Rizov and Rositsa Dekova

  • XLike Project Language Analysis Services
    Xavier Carreras, Lluís Padró, Lei Zhang, Achim Rettinger, Zhixing Li, Esteban García-Cuesta, Željko Agić, Bozo Bekavac, Blaz Fortuna and Tadej Štajner

  • SPARSAR: An Expressive Poetry Reader
    Rodolfo Delmonte and Anton Maria Prati

  • Speech-Enabled Hybrid Multilingual Translation for Mobile Devices
    Krasimir Angelov, Björn Bringert and Aarne Ranta

  • Annotating by Proving using SemAnTE
    Assaf Toledo, Stavroula Alexandropoulou, Sophie Chesney, Robert Grimm, Pepijn Kokke, Benno Kruit, Kyriaki Neophytou, Antony Nguyen and Yoad Winter

  • Answering List Questions using Web as a Corpus
    Patricia Gonçalves and Antonio Branco

  • Designing Language Technology Applications: A Wizard of Oz Driven Prototyping Framework
    Stephan Schlögl, Pierrick Milhorat, Gérard Chollet and Jérôme Boudy

  • Finding Terms in Corpora for Many Languages with the Sketch Engine
    Miloš Jakubíček, Adam Kilgarriff, Vojtěch Kovář, Pavel Rychlý and Vít Suchomel

  • The New Thot Toolkit for Fully-Automatic and Interactive Statistical Machine Translation
    Daniel Ortiz-Martínez and Francisco Casacuberta

  • Event Extraction for Balkan Languages
    Vanni Zavarella, Dilek Kucuk, Hristo Tanev and Ali Hürriyetoğlu

  • A Lightweight Terminology Verification Service for External Machine Translation Engines
    Alessio Bosca, Vassilina Nikoulina and Marc Dymetman

  • RelationFactory: A Fast, Modular and Effective System for Knowledge Base Population
    Benjamin Roth, Tassilo Barth, Grzegorz Chrupała, Martin Gropp and Dietrich Klakow

  • MMAX2 for Coreference Annotation
    Mateusz Kopeć

  • A Spinning Wheel for YARN: User Interface for a Crowdsourced Thesaurus
    Pavel Braslavski, Dmitry Ustalov and Mikhail Mukhin

  • CASMACAT: A Computer-assisted Translation Workbench
    Vicent Alabau, Christian Buck, Michael Carl, Francisco Casacuberta, Mercedes García-Martínez, Ulrich Germann, Jesús González-Rubio, Robin Hill, Philipp Koehn, Luis Leiva, Bartolomé Mesa-Lao, Daniel Ortiz-Martínez, Herve Saint-Amand, Germán Sanchis Trilles and Chiara Tsoukala