Call for Workshop Proposals (closed)

Note: this call is closed. Please see the list of accepted workshops instead.

Final Joint Call for Workshops Proposals: EACL 2014 & ACL 2014 & EMNLP 2014

The European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), and the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) invite proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with EACL 2014, ACL 2014, or EMNLP 2014. We solicit proposals on any topic of interest to the ACL communities. Workshops will be held at one of the following conference venues:

EACL 2014 is the 14th Annual Meeting of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL). It will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden 26–30 April. The EACL workshops will be held 26–27 April. The webpage for EACL 2014 is:

ACL 2014 is the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. It will be held in Baltimore, MD, USA, 22–27 June 2014. The dates for the ACL workshops will be 26–27 June. The webpage for ACL 2014 is:

EMNLP 2014 is the SIGDAT conference on Empirical Methods for Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). It started in 1993 with the series of Workshops on Very Large Corpora and was renamed EMNLP in 1996. The main conference will be held in Doha, Qatar, 26–28 October. The dates for the EMNLP workshops are still not definitive, most likely they will be 25 October and 29 October (30 October can be available for 2-days workshops).

Proposals will be reviewed jointly by the Workshop Co-Chairs of the three conferences.


Proposals for workshops should contain:

  1. A title and brief (2-page max) description of the workshop topic and content.
  2. The desired workshop length (one or two days) and an estimate of the number of attendees.
  3. The names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of the organizers, with one-paragraph statements of their research interests and areas of expertise.
  4. A list of Programme Committee members, with an indication of which members have already agreed. It is highly desirable for proposals to have at least 75% of the Programme Committee reviewers confirmed at the time of the submission. Organizers should do their best to estimate the number of submissions (especially for recurring workshops) in order to (a) ensure a sufficient number of reviewers so that each paper receives 3 reviews, and (b) anticipate that no one is committed to reviewing more than 2 papers. This practice is likely to ensure on-time, and more thorough and thoughtful reviews. Submissions should essentially be ready to be turned into a Call for Workshop Papers within one week of notification (see Timelines).
  5. A description of any shared tasks associated with the workshop.
  6. A description of special requirements for technical needs.
  7. A note specifying which venue(s) (EACL/ACL/EMNLP) would be acceptable and/or preferable.

Workshop co-chairs will review the quality of the workshop proposals. Once the reviews are complete, the workshop co-chairs will work together to assign workshops to the three conferences, taking into account the location preferences and constraints provided by the workshop proposers.

The ACL has a set of policies on workshops. You can find the ACL's general policies on workshops at,

the financial policy for workshops at,

and the financial policy for SIG workshops at

Proposals may be submitted as Plain text, MS Word, or PDF documents (preferably PDF). Proposals should be attached and emailed to the workshop organizers ( no later than 20 October 2013, Samoa Standard Time (SST) (UTC/GMT-11). You should receive a confirmation of proposal receipt within 24 hours. If you do not, please get in touch with Jill Burstein:

Notification of acceptance of workshop proposals will occur no later than 4 November 2014.

Organizers of accepted proposals will be responsible for publicizing and running the workshop, including reviewing submissions, producing the camera ready workshop proceedings, and organizing the meeting days. It is crucial that organizers commit to all deadlines. In particular, failure to produce the camera ready proceedings on time will lead to the exclusion of the workshop from the CD-ROM/USB & unified author indexes. Workshop organizers cannot accept for publication papers that will be (or have been) published elsewhere, although they are free to set their own policies on simultaneous submission and review. Since the conferences will occur at different times, the timescales for the submission and reviewing of workshop papers, and the preparation of camera-ready copies, will be different for each conference. Suggested timescales for each of the conferences are given below. Workshop organizers should not deviate from this schedule unless absolutely necessary.



  • 20 October 2013: Proposal Submission Deadline
  • 4 November 2013: Notifications of Acceptance

EACL 2014

  • 11 November 2013: First Call for Workshop Papers (Note this is one week following Notification)
  • 12 December 2013: Second Call for Workshop Papers
  • 19 December 2013 or 4 January 2014: Third Call for Workshop Papers
  • 23 January 2014: Workshop Paper Due Date
  • 20 February 2014: Notification of Acceptance
  • 3 March 2014: Camera-ready papers due
  • 26–27 April 2014: Workshop Dates

ACL 2014

  • 18 November 2013: First Call for Workshop Papers
  • 21 March 2014: Workshop Paper Due Date (suggested to ensure at least a 3-week review period)
  • 11 April 2014: Notification of Acceptance
  • 28 April 2014: Camera-ready papers due (firm deadline)
  • 26–27 June 2014: Workshop Dates

EMNLP 2014

(Stay tuned: the exact dates will be provided in later calls)

  • Beginning of May 2014: First Call for Workshop Papers
  • July 2014: Workshop Paper Due Date
  • August 2014: Notification of Acceptance
  • Early September 2014: Camera-ready papers due
  • 25 & 29 October 2014 (October 30 additional day): Workshop Dates


  • Jill Burstein, ACL; Educational Testing Service
  • Lluís Màrquez, ACL; Universitat Politèchnica de Catalunya
  • Reut Tsarfaty, EACL; Weizmann Institute of Science
  • Anja Belz, EACL; University of Brighton
  • Enrique Alfonseca, EMNLP; Google Inc.
  • Eric Gaussier, EMNLP; Université Joseph Fourier

For inquiries, send email to the workshop organizers at: