The First International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP-04) | ||||||||||
The Nanshan Buddhism Culture Sightseeing Area (南山文化游览区/ 南山文化遊覽區) will be visited during our excursion. Other famous scenic spots include the following, and you may like to arrange your own visit.
南山文化游览区 位于三亚南山,距市区40公里,旅游区分为三大主题公园,南山佛教文化园、中国福寿文化园以及南海内情文化园,在这里充分地表现出南山景区蓝天碧海、阳光沙滩、山林海礁等景观的独特魅力。是全国少有的大型文化和生态旅游园区,是国家旅游局确定的“中国旅游业发展优先项目”,特有的佛教文化内涵、巧妙的建筑雕塑,珍奇的生态环境,是游客回归自然,研习佛教理想之园。 Located near the Nan Mountain, about 40 kilometers west of Sanya, the Nanshan Buddhism Culture Sightseeing Area has a planned area of 34.7 square kilometers for landscape and environmental protection. It is preferential development project of national tourism and a key development project of Hainan tourism, consisting of the Main Gate Scenic Spot and three gardens with special themes. The Garden of Buddhism, has opened a grand tropical garden situated by the sea and near the mountains, and built Buddhist culture sceneries including Nanshan Temple (the biggest temple ever in Mainland China in the recent 50 years, characterized with the flourishing Tang Dynasty), “The One And Only Way”, “Salvation Through Charity To Others”, the Garden of Good Luck and Happiness. It also has been planned that a Mother Budda Statue, 108 meters in height, will be built sticking up in the sea facing the temple. The Happiness and Longevity Garden has completed a series of scenery based on the relevant Chinese customs at different phases of one’s life. Before long the Garden of South Sea Customs will present the tourists a grand marine park, equipped with entertainment of maritime sports, marine sightseeing, performances of animals, the paradise of flowers and birds. The Main Gate Scenic Spot, centered on the Square of Happiness, provides the tourists with comprehensive services. All the construction finished, the whole place will become the most magnificent, attractive and characterized cultural sightseeing area in south China, mixed with its special natural landscape and cultural customs---traditional Chinese Buddhism, local customs, historical relics, and the tropical marine scenes. The Nanshan Buddhism Culture Sightseeing Area is the only scenic area till now in China which has been granted the quality certificate ISO14000 of international environmental management. Moreover, it has been given the title by Hainan Provincial Government as “the exemplary project for its restoration and protection of ecological environment”. 位於三亞南山,距市區40公里,旅遊區分為三大主題公園,南山佛教文化園、中國福壽文化園以及南海內情文化園,在這裏充分地表現出南山景區藍天碧海、陽光沙灘、山林海礁等景觀的獨特魅力。是全國少有的大型文化和生態旅遊園區,是國家旅遊局確定的“中國旅遊業發展優先專案”,特有的佛教文化內涵、巧妙的建築雕塑,珍奇的生態環境,是遊客回歸自然,研習佛教理想之園。 天涯海角风景区 出三亚市沿海滨西行26千米,到达马岭山下,便是“天涯海角”奇景。游客至此,有一种到了天地之尽头的感觉。在海滩的一块巨石上有崖州知州程哲于清代雍正年间题刻“天涯”二字,后有文人在另一块巨石上题刻“海角”二字。“天涯海角”意为天之边缘,海之尽头。古时候这里交通闭塞,荒芜凄凉,是封建王朝流放“逆臣”之地。这里记载着历史上贬官逆臣的悲剧人生,经历代文人墨客的题咏描绘,成为我国富有神奇色彩的著名游览胜地。 26 Kilometers to the downtown area of Sanya City,there locates the well-known beautiful scenespot , Tianya Haijia .On one of huge stones on the beach, there inscriped two Chinese characters Tianya(the Ends of the Earth)written by Cheng Zhe,Chief Mgistrate of Yazhou Prefecture during the reign of Yongzhen in Qing Dynasty.On another huge stone behind it ,there inscribed two other Chinese characters Haijiao(the Remotest Comers of the Earth). It is one of the most famous scenic spots in China. 出三亞市沿海濱西行26千米,到達馬嶺山下,便是“天涯海角”奇景。遊客至此,有一種到了天地之盡頭的感覺。在海灘的一塊巨石上有崖州知州程哲于清代雍正年間題刻“天涯”二字,後有文人在另一塊巨石上題刻“海角”二字。“天涯海角”意為天之邊緣,海之盡頭。古時候這裏交通閉塞,荒蕪淒涼,是封建王朝流放“逆臣”之地。這裏記載著歷史上貶官逆臣的悲劇人生,經歷代文人墨客的題詠描繪,成為我國富有神奇色彩的著名遊覽勝地。 陵水南湾猴岛 位于陵水县城南16千米的新村港对面的南湾半岛上。该依山伴水,三面环海。岛上怪石嶙峋,岩洞无数,林木成荫,四季花果飘香,是猕猴生息繁衍的理想乐园,也是我国唯一的岛屿型猕猴自然保护区。岛上猕猴聪明、伶俐,动作滑稽,给游客旅途增添不少乐趣。 Nanwan Monkey Peninsula is located on the opposite of Xincun Port, 16 kilometers to the south of Lingshui County. It is the only island-type natural reserve for monkeys in China. The Peninsula has a mountain as its backbone covered with thick forests and adorned with scattered rocks. Numerous cavers on the Peninsula and plentiful fruits from the forests make a paradise for monkeys. It is a perfect place for monkey-observers to go. 位於陵水縣城南16千米的新村港對面的南灣半島上。該依山伴水,三面環海。島上怪石嶙峋,岩洞無數,林木成蔭,四季花果飄香,是獼猴生息繁衍的理想樂園,也是我國唯一的島嶼型獼猴自然保護區。島上獼猴聰明、伶俐,動作滑稽,給遊客旅途增添不少樂趣。
Wuzhizhou Island at the LinWang in the north of Sanya City, its north
faces the Nanwanhou Island and its south borders upon the yalong bar which
is called “the No.1 Bay “, The Wuzhizhou Island coastline is 5.7km,The
area is 1.48square km, looks like an irregular butterfly. The distance
from the island to sanya city is 30km, to phoenix airport is 38km and
it’s very close to the highway from Haikou to Sanya, So the location is
very predominant and the traffic is pretty convenient. 蜈支洲島位於三亞市林旺鎮後海村東面約2.7公里的海棠灣海面上,是以得天獨厚的原始生態和自然風光而馳名的旅遊度假區,得譽“情人島”。她方圓1.48平方公里,呈不規則蝴蝶狀,東西1400米,南北寬1100米,該島是海南島周圍為數不多的有淡水資源和豐富植被的小島,有2000多種植物,種類繁多,並生著許多珍貴樹種,如有被稱為植物界中大熊貓的龍血樹,並有許多難得一見的植物現象,如"共生"、"寄生"、"絞殺"等。島的北部有玉帶關優質沙灘,沙質均勻細膩,色澤潔白如雪,周圍海或海水清澈透明,能見度極高,可達27米,盛產夜光螺、海參、龍蝦、馬蛟魚、海膽及五顏六色的熱帶魚。神奇的海底世界叢生著五顏六,形態奇異的珊瑚,五彩斑斕的熱帶魚穿梭其間。這裏是海上娛樂特別是潛水觀光的首選之地。該島周圍海底珊瑚礁保存完整,熱帶魚種類繁多,是海南沿岸自然資源保存最完美之一。 |