Important Dates


Early registration deadline: 3 March 2014
Late registration deadline: 24 April 2014

Long papers

Long paper submissions due: 18 October 2013
Long paper reviews due: 19 November 2013
Long paper author responses due: 29 November 2013
Long paper notification to authors: 20 December 2013
Long paper camera-ready due: 14 February 2014

Short papers

Short paper submissions due: 6 January 2014
Short paper notification to authors: 24 February 2014
Short paper camera-ready due: 3 March 2014

Student research workshop

Student paper submissions due: 22 November 2013, extended to 13 December 2013
Student paper notification to authors: 27 January 2014
Student paper camera-ready due: 17 February 2014


Studentship applications due: 3 February 2014
Studentship notification: 13 February 2014

Software demonstrations

Software demonstration submission due: 10 January 2014
Software demonstration notification to authors: 8 February 2014
Software demonstration camera-ready due: 20 February 2014


Tutorial submission due: 1 November 2013
Tutorial notification of acceptance: 15 November 2013
Tutorial descriptions due: 15 December 2013
Tutorial course material due: 1 February 2014

Workshop deadlines

Proposals for EACL workshops due: 20 October 2013
Notification of workshop proposals: 4 November 2013
Paper submissions for EACL workshops due: 23 January 2014 (depending on workshop)
Notification to authors: 20 February 2014 (depending on workshop)
EACL workshop paper camera-ready due: 3 March 2014 (depending on workshop)


EACL workshops and tutorials: 26–27 April 2014
EACL main conference: 28–30 April 2014